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Bros-Facer et al. Rare Dis Orphan Drugs J 2023;2:21  Page 13 of 14

               The authors would like to thank all respondents to the survey and their colleagues involved in the initiatives,
               including Angel Carracedo, Maria Luce Couce Pico and Maria Eugenia Vazquez-Mosquera; Giorgio Casari;
               Laurence Faivre; Alessandra Ferlini and Nicolas Garnier; Mattia Gentile; Maria Iascone; Belen Perez and
               Francesc Palau; Amanda Pichini; Birgit Raddatz and Francjan van Spronsen; Wendy Rodenburg and Els
               Voorhoeve; Christian Schaaf, Maja Hempel and Heiko Brennenstuhl; Laurent Servais; Petros Tsipouras and
               Mirjam van der Burg. We would also like to thank Maria Martinez-Fresno for her help drafting the
               questionnaire, Raye Alford for reviewing and revising the manuscript for grammar and syntax, and Kirsten
               Curnow for her help with the figures.

               Authors’ contributions
               Involved in the planning and developing of the main conceptual ideas: Bros-Facer V, Patch C
               Developed the survey with input from Maria Martinez-Fresno: Bros-Facer V, Taylor S
               Analyzed the results of the survey: Bros-Facer V
               Contributed to the writing of the manuscript: Bros-Facer V, Taylor S, Patch C

               Availability of data and materials
               Individual responses to the survey are confidential data that will be destroyed upon acceptance of the
               manuscript for publication.

               Financial support and sponsorship
               Not applicable.

               Conflicts of interest
               Bros-Facer V and Taylor S are employees of Illumina, Inc. Patch C has no conflicts of interest to declare.

               Ethical approval and consent to participate
               Not applicable.

               Consent for publication
               Not applicable.

               © The Author(s) 2023.

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