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Demzik et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:52  I                                     Page 5 of 9

               Table 1. Published studies with ≥ 10 patients undergoing penile skin grafting since 2005
                Author           Years    n    Location  Indication   Skin graft    Failure, n (%)  Bedrest (days)
                Parnham et al. [21]    2005-2016  172  Glans  CA  STSG (0.014-0.018)  Partial 29 (17%)  None
                (2018)                                            non-meshed      Complete 5 (3%)
                Smith et al. [22]  (2007) NR  72  Glans  CA       STSG, non-meshed  Partial: 2 (3%)  4
                Pariser et al.  (2018)  2007-2017  61  Shaft  BP  STSG (0.012-0.015)   NR         2
                *Tang et al. [18]  (2008)                         fenestrated
                Hampson et al. [19]    2005-2016  42  Shaft  BP   STSG (0.015)    Partial: 6 (14%)  5
                (2017)                                            1:1 meshed or

                Figleret al.  (2015)                              unmeshed
                Jun et al. [16]  (2018)  2007-2017  36  Shaft  BP  STSG (0.015)   NR              2
                Tausch et al.  (2016) 2007-2015  31  Shaft  BP    STSG, non-meshed  3 (10%)       NR
                Garaffa et al. [23]    1997-2010  31  Glans  LS   STSG (0.00-0.016)  Partial: 1 (3%)  2
                Shabbir et al. [24]    2001-2010  25  Glans  CA   STSG (0.008-0.016)   1 (4%)     2
                (2011)                                            non-meshed
                Harris et al. [25]    NR  23    Shaft   Pediatrics   STSG (0.016-0.018)   5 (22%)  NR
                (2020)                                  Exstrophy  FTSG, fenestrated
                Cocci et al.  (2019)  2006-2016  23  Shaft  BP    STSG (0.016 or "thick") NR
                Figler et al.  (2020)  2016-2019  19  Shaft  BP   STSG (0.018), non-  0           None
                Chertin et al. [26]    NR  17   Shaft   Pediatrics   STSG (0.012)  1 (6%)         NR
                (2016)                                  Prior surgery  fenestrated or meshed
                Modolin et al. [27]    NR  17   Shaft   LE        STSG            NR              3
                Palminteri et al. [28]    1998-2004  17  Glans  CA, LS  STSG, non-meshed  Partial: 2 (12%)  3
                Theisen et al. [14]    2015-2017  16  Shaft  BP   STSG (0.016)    NR              2
                (2018)                                            fenestrated
                *Fuller et al.  (2017)
                Erpelding et al.    2014-2017  16  Shaft  BP      STSG, meshed    0               None
                Monn et al. [10]  (2019)  2013-2018  13  Shaft  LE  FTSG, non-fenestrated 0       NR
                Boonjindasup et al. [29]   2000-2013  11  Shaft  LE, LS  STSG (0.012-0.018)  NR
                (2016)                                  Prior surgery meshed 1.5:1
                Voznesensky et al.    2011-2015  11  Shaft  BP    STSG            NR              2
                (2016)                                            meshed and non-
                Thompson et al. [30]     11     Shaft   Pediatrics   FTSG         0               NR
                (2006)                                  Prior surgery,
                Rybak et al.  (2014)  2007-2011  10  Shaft  BP    STSG (0.016-0.018)   NR
                Hadway et al. [20]    NR  10    Glans   CA        STSG, non-meshed  0             5
               *Indicates technique paper. N: number of patients in study with penile skin graft; LE: lymphedema; HS: hidradenitis suppurativa; BP:
               buried penis; LS: lichen sclerosus; NF: necrotizing fasciitis; CA: cancer

               to reduced metabolic requirements, and the ability to easily mesh and expand the graft to cover a larger
               recipient site. Additional benefits of meshing are preventing accumulation of fluid under the graft (which
               can interfere with graft take) and easier accommodation of the graft to the contours of an irregular graft
               bed. In non-meshed STSGs and FTSGs, fluid accumulation under the graft can be achieved by fenestration
               of the graft with an 11 blade or hollow bore needle. While meshed regions typically heal via epithelial
               ingrowth from the surrounding skin graft, mesh lines may persist and be aesthetically unpleasing [Figure 2].
               When meshing is performed on the penis, it is usually at a ratio of 1.5:1 to 2:1, although the use of non-
               expanded 1:1 meshing has been suggested as a way to achieve appealing cosmesis while preserving other
               benefits of meshing .
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