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Guagnano et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:37  I                                  Page 5 of 10

               Table 1. Frequencies of tooth anomalies by gender, ethnicity, types of cleft and surgical protocols in cleft subjects aged 6-18 years
                                Rotations    Agenesis  Supernumerary Shape anomalies  Impaction  Ectopic eruption
                                 (n, %)       (n, %)       (n, %)       (n, %)      (n, %)       (n, %)
                 Male (n = 50)  30 (60%)     20 (40%)    17 (34%)     8 (16%)       4 (8%)      2 (4%)
                 Female (n = 33)  19 (57.6%)  15 (45.5%)  8 (24.2%)   9 (27.3%)     3 (9.1%)    4 (12.1%)
                 Caucasian (n = 66)  43 (66.7%)*  26 (39.4%)  18 (27.3%)  14 (21.2%)  5 (7.6%)  5 (7.6%)
                 Asian (n = 7)  3 (42.9%)    5 (71.4%)**  2 (28.6%)   1 (14.3%)     0           1 (14.3%)
                 Hispanic (n = 5)  2 (40%)   2 (40%)     2 (40%)      1 (20%)       1 (20%)     0
                 Indian (n = 1)  1 (100%)    0           0            0             0           0
                 African (n = 4)  0          2 (50%)     3 (75%)*     1 (25%)       1 (25%)     0
               Cleft type
                 CLP (n = 62)   41 (67.7%)   28 (45.2%)  20 (32.3%)   13 (12%)      6 (9.7%)    5 (8.1%)
                 L-UCLP (n = 28)  25 (89.3%)**  11 (39.3%)  6 (21.4%)  3 (10.7%)    4 (14.3%)   3 (10.7%)
                 R-UCLP (n =20)  10 (50%)    7 (35%)     5 (25%)      4 (20%)       1 (5%)      2 (10%)
                 BCLP (n =14)   6 (42.9%)    10 (71.4%)*  9 (64.3%)*  6 (42.9%)**   1 (7.1%)    0
                 CP (n =10)     0            3 (30%)     0            0             0           1 (9.1%)
                 CLA (n = 11)   8 (72.7)*    4 (36.4%)   5 (45.5%)*   4 (36.4%)**   1 (9.1%)
               Surgical protocol
                 EPP (n = 20)   8 (40%)      13 (65%)*   5 (25%)      3 (15%)       2 (10%)     1 (5%)
                 DPR (n = 60)   40 (66.7%)*  21 (35%)    20 (33.3%)   14 (23.3%)    4 (6.7%)    5 (8.3%)

               Values with superscript asterisks show statistically significant difference between groups: *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01. CLP: lip palate cleft;
               L-UCLP: left unilateral lip palate cleft; R-UCLP: right unilateral lip palate cleft; BCLP: bilateral lip palate cleft; CP: palate cleft; CLA: lip
               alveolar cleft; EPP: early palate periosteal plastic surgery; DPR: delayed palate repair surgery

               Table 2. Frequencies of tooth anomalies and enamel defects by tooth type in cleft subjects aged 6-18 years
                                Rotation  Agenesis Supernumerary  Shape   Impaction  Ectopic   Enamel Hypoplasia
               Tooth type        (n, %)   (n, %)    (n, %)   anomaly  (n, %)  eruption  Aine 1  Aine 2   Aine 3
                                                             (n, %)           (n, %)  (n, %)  (n, %)  (n, %)
               Upper Central incisors  53 (86.8%) 4 (6%)  2 (6.4%)  2 (9.5%)  4 (44.4%)  0  14 (50%) 17 (68%) 4 (80%)
               Upper Lateral Incisors  8 (13.1%)  38 (57.5%)  24 (77.4%)  19 (90.4%) 1 (11.1%)  0  4 (14.2%) 3 (12%)  1 (20%)
               Upper Canines   0        0         1 (3.2%)  0        2 (9.5%)  0     2 (7.1%)  0   0
               Upper premolars  0       12 (18.1%)  0       0        1 (11.1%)  0    0      2 (8%)  0
               Upper molars    0        0         2 (6.4%)  0        0       7 (100%)  1 (3.5%)  0  0
               Lower central incisors  0  0       1 (3.2%)  0        0       0       3 (10.7%) 0   0
               Lower lateral incisors  0  4 (6%)  1 (3.2%)  0        0       0       1 (3.5%)  0   0
               Lower canines   0        0         0         0        0       0       0      0      0
               Lower premolars  0       6         0         0        0       0       0      1 (4%)  0
               Lower molars    0        2 (3%)    1 (3.2%)  0        1 (11.1%)  0    3 (10.7%) 2 (8%)  0
               Total           61       66        31        21       9       7       28     25     5

               No significant gender difference in the prevalence of tooth anomalies was observed, while ethnicity, cleft
               type and surgical timing were statistically significantly related to their frequency. Rotation was the most
               common development anomaly of dentition (59%), affecting one tooth in 37 patients (44.6%) and two
               teeth in 12 patients (14.5%). Caucasians and DPR patients exhibited tooth rotations more often than other
               racial groups as well as more often than EPP patients (both P = 0.03). Rotations were also more frequent
               in L-UCLP and CLA, while they were absent in CP patients (P < 0.01). The upper central left permanent
               incisor was the most frequently affected tooth (50.8%).

               Agenesis affected one tooth in 19 subjects (22.9%), two/three teeth in 14 (16.9%) subjects and four/five
               teeth in 2 subjects (2.4%). It was more frequent in Asians (P < 0.01) and BCLP subjects (P = 0.014) and
               those submitted to EPP (P = 0.02). Upper lateral incisors were the teeth more commonly involved in this

               One or two supernumerary teeth were found in 25 patients (30.1%), involving more often the upper lateral
               incisors. Their frequency was higher in Africans (P = 0.04), CLA (45.5%) and CLP (32.3%) subjects, in
               particular those with R-UCLP (P = 0.01).
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