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Gupta et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2018;5:41  I                                              Page 3 of 7

                             Figure 2. Same patient as Figure 1 (post burn day 10); wounds are healed, healing time 10 days

               Figure 3. Low level laser therapy being given to the target burn wound (a 32-year-old female patient with 25% total burn area, 15% target
               area, post burn day 6, deep bun wounds are excised and grafted)

                             Figure 4. Same patient as Figure 3 (post burn day 17); wounds are healed, healing time 17 days

               output power 100 mW. It was a continuous beam laser with an energy density of 4 J/cm². Machine delivers
               laser in scanning mode (non contact delivery) with 60 cm distance between laser source and wound. Each
               wound was given laser therapy for duration of 125 second every time . Therapy was repeated until the
               wound epithelialized completely.

               Wound area measured with the help of digital planimetry and wound swab was taken for microbiology culture
               at each therapy session. Wound was considered infected if the swab culture has shown growth of any pathologic
               organism. Healing time was calculated as the period between day 0 and the day when wound area was 0 cm
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