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UW-QOL modified questionnaire in which it is included a   newly diagnosed HNSCC. They used QLQ-C30 and QLQ-
            new item called overall well-being. Results showed that   h&N35 questionnaires in a group of 106 patients, finding that
            scores for all parameters were higher or at least equally   high comorbidity is a risk factor especially cardiac disease.
            high for group 2 compared to group 1. When asked   They did not find relation between tumour stage and tumour
            to compare  their  pre-  and post-therapeutic  HRQOL,   location, and, alcohol consumption supposes a predictive
            21.9% of patients in group 1 stated that there were no   value of survival. [45]
            differences, whereas 46.9% stated there was a moderate
            deterioration, and  31.3%  stated that deterioration   CONCLUSION
            was marked. Furthermore, 53.1%  of patients in group
            2 and 56.3% of patients in group 3 reported a marked   Over the last decades, the perspective and management of
            deterioration of their QOL after treatment. In fact, just   SCC in head and neck has changed, many disciplines have
            34,4% in group 2 and 53.1% in group 3 would consent to   contributed  to  improve  the  prognosis  not  only  surgeons.
            further RT/CMT if necessary during the follow up. [39]  The  advancement  of  reconstructive  surgical  techniques
                                                              and adjuvant therapies such as RT/CMT made treatable an
            Herce-Lopez  et al.  elaborated a cross-sectional study   increased number of patients with many risk factors that
            including 60 patients treated for a head and neck cancer   otherwise would have been relegated to palliative care.
            who  survived over 5 years without recurrences. In this
            case, patients filled out the SF-36 questionnaire, which   Regarding SCC prognosis, many factors have demonstrated
            include  8  categories:  physical  functioning,  role-physical,   to be influential but, high level tumour stage and short length
            role-emotional, vitality, mental health, social function, pain   of free survival disease time are the most important to predict
            and the social dimension. Regarding the impact of gender,   the really expectation of therapies.
            in the male group, found statistically significant positive
            differences for the dimensions of vitality and general health;   Despite de numerous studies published in the literature about
            and significantly negative for the dimensions of role-physical,   the assessment of the quality of life in patients with HNSCC,
            social functioning and pain. In the female group, statistically   the heterogeneity of the population and the lack of internal
            significant negative differences for the dimensions social   validity of studies, can explain why there is not a consensus
            functioning were observed. Respecting age, patients over   about the accuracy of the questionnaires as a predictive tool
            65 years showed statistically significant negative differences   to distinguish the bad prognosis cases and their capacity to
            for social functioning and pain; and positive for vitality and   choose the best therapeutic option in every situation.
            general health status. Similar to previous results, T1-T2 stages
            had  significant  positive  differences  for  general  health  and   Currently, data do not let us individualize patients’ treatment,
            negative for role-physical, role-emotional, social functioning   but this is the objective for the future and maybe new studies
            and  paint. Also, T3-T4  showed statistically negative   will show us the ways to identify how the QOL can modify the
            differences for social functioning and pain. The impact of   treatment choices.
            surgical reconstruction showed that patients who underwent
            complex reconstruction referred worse social functioning   Financial support and sponsorship
            and pain, whereas patients who did not receive this kind of   Nil.
            surgical procedure they referred a better general health status
            unless worst role-physical, role-emotional, social functioning   Conflicts of interest
            and pain. [40]                                    There are no conflicts of interest.

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            Plast Aesthet Res || Volume 3 || June 24, 2016                                                209
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