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carcinoma that has originated laterally in the oral cavity.   variable, together with tumor extension across the
                                                              midline,  was the most important risk factor in the
            Tumor size                                        logistic  regression  analysis  performed  in  this  report.
            The literature reports a strong correlation between the   Other studies have also shown a significant correlation
            size of the primary and the risk of CLNM. [24-28]  A significant   between  the  presence  of ipsilateral  and CLNM. [6,8]   In
            correlation between the T-stage and the occurrence of   the study of Olzowy et al.  patients with two or more
            CLNM was observed by Kurita et al.  In this study, the   ipsilateral neck  metastases showed significantly more
            incidence of CLNM for the T4 tumor (31.4%) was relatively   bilateral metastases compared with patients with fewer
            high  compared to  that  for the  T1 (0%) as  well as  the   than two positive ipsilateral lymph nodes.
            T2 (12.2%) and T3 tumor (11.8%). In addition, CLNM in
            patients with the T2 and T3 tumor occurred only in cases   In contrast to these previous studies, González-García et al.
            of the mobile tongue, but not in other sites. Excluding   did not found an association between the presence of clinical
            cases of the tongue SCC, CLNM was unlikely in patients   and pathological positive node status on the ipsilateral side
            with T1 to T3 oral carcinoma that had arisen in the   of the neck and a higher incidence of contralateral cervical
            unilateral side. In a retrospective analysis of 66 patients   metastasis in SCC of the lateral side of the tongue.
            with cancer of the oral cavity at N0-2 stage, Koo et al.
            showed that the rate of contralateral occult metastasis   Extracapsular spread
            was 8% for T2, 25% for T3, and 18% for T4, whereas no   Transcapsular infiltration of lymph node metastases  is
            metastasis was observed in the T1 cases.          another important prognostic factor that, although it can
                                                              be found in smaller lymph nodes, is generally associated
            Tumor thickness                                   with lymph nodes with a diameter of more than 2 cm.
            Tumor thickness has been recognized as an histological   In a retrospective study performed by Feng et al.,  they
            prognostic factor of local recurrence,  cervical nodal   demonstrated that extracapsular spread (ECS) status was
            metastasis,  and survival. Bier-Laning  et al.  found an   correlated with 5-year CLNM. In a series of 913 patients,
            approximately 5% increased risk of CLNM for every 1-mm   Liao et al.  also showed that the 5-year CLNM rate was
            increase in tumor thickness. They did not found cases   significantly  higher in  patients with  ECS  (39%)  than in
            of CLNM when the primary tumor had a thickness less   those  without  (12%). Furthermore,  the  5-year  overall
            than 3.75 mm. So, they recomended that consideration   survival  was  48% in  patients  without  ECS,  whereas  it
            should be given to observation of the contralateral neck   dropped to 16% in those with ECS.
            for tumors less than 3.75  mm, neck dissection to the
            contralateral neck for tumors more than 3.75 mm thick,   However, other authors such as Koo et al.  did not find
            and treatment of the contralateral neck with surgery and/  a statistical assocciation between ECS and the ocurrence
            or radiation therapy if the tumor is more than 9.5 mm   of CLNM.
            thick. This is compatible with the findings of others, in
            which the risk of ipsilateral nodal metastasis is increased   Clinical tumor node metastasis stage
            in  tumors thicker than 4-5 mm. [29,30]  Other  authors, as   It has been reported that patients with advanced tumors are
            González-García et al.  failed to show tumoral thickness   at a higher risk for CLNM in OSCC. [5,6,12]  In the multivariate
            greater than 2 mm as predictive for CLNM, which could   analysis performed by Kowalski et al.,  it became clear that
            be attributable to the insufficient sample size where 7.1%   the risk of CLNM for patients with clinical stage (CS) I and II
            of the patients with tumor thickness greater than 2 mm   tumors not involving the floor of the mouth was low, even
            developed CLNM in comparison with 0% of the patients   though it crossed midline (< 1 cm). On the other side, CS
            with tumor thickness less than 2 mm.              IV tumors that were less than 1 cm away from midline had
                                                              a high risk of metastasis, independent of tumor original
            Infiltration of the cervical lymph nodes          site. Frequency  of  such  metastases was 33%  for stage
            In relation to cervical affectation, ipsilateral lymph neck   T4, 15% for CS III and 32% for CS IV. Risk of contralateral
            node metastasis has been  referred to as a significant   metastases was over 20% in stage T1-3 N2a-3 and T4 N0-3
            predictor in assessing the risk to the contralateral neck.   M0 tumors. González-García et al.  found in their series
            According to the statistical results of Kurita et al.,  no   that 6.7% of patients with staging IV in the tumor node
            CLNM occurred in patients without ipsilateral lymph   metastasis (TNM) classification developed CLNM, whereas
            node metastasis. In addition, the incidence of CLNM   only 2.6% of patients with TNM staging I showed CLNM.
            was higher in patients with multinode involvement (50%)
            than in those with single node involvement (26.1%). The   Surgical margins
            study reported by Capote-Moreno  et  al.  supported   In relation to surgical resection,  the absence of wide
            these results, in which 21.6% of the cases with positive   enough margins in the excised primary tumor has been
            homolateral nodes  showed positive  CLNM  whereas   reported to be a predictor for CLNM. Particularly, the
            contralateral disease  developed in only 6.4% of the   presence of 1 cm or more of non-affected tissue around
            cases with negative homolateral nodes. This prognostic   the  tumor  was  considered  adequate,  in  contrast to
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