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            to be correlated with the risk of contralateral lymph node   risk from 2.8 to 12.7). In the study of Kurita et al.,  patients
            metastasis as well as with patient survival. We consider it   with tumors  showing radiological  evidence of  extension
            important to analyze these factors. It is currently unclear   crossing the midline were at a higher risk for CLNM (53.8%) than
            whether CLNM are underestimated in OSCC patients at   patients without an extension crossing the midline (10.3%).
            initial presentation. Therefore, correct identification of risk
            factors associated with CLNM is paramount to improve the   In relation to the location of the primary tumor, a higher
            clinical outcome of this patient group, especially because   risk for CLNM in patients with tumors of the floor of the
            ultrasound diagnostic imaging and computed tomography   mouth and the anterior third of the tongue in detriment
            scannings  are  not  sensitive  enough  to  sufficiently   of  the  retromolar region  or  the  lateral gum  has  been
            detect occult disease. Prediction of tumors at high risk   reported.  Cross-drainage in the oral tongue and floor of
            for contralateral involvement may determine a better   mouth cancer is common, thereby placing both sides of
            therapeutic management of the contralateral neck and may   the neck at risk for nodal metastases, as reported in the
            improve OSCC prognosis [Table 1].                 study by Mukherji et al.  Califano et al.  found a higher
                                                              rate of contralateral involvement in the base of the
            Tumor location                                    tongue even in early tumors than in the body and the tip
            One  of the  factors that  has  been  speculated as  a   of the tongue and recommended prophylactic bilateral
            determinant prognosticator for contralateral metastases   neck dissection in all tongue base carcinomas. The data
            is tumor location, although there is not a clear consensus   of Olzowy et al.  also showed that tumors of the base
            about which location is of higher risk for cross-metastases.   of tongue had a higher risk of contralateral metastases
                                                              than  that  of tumors  of the  tonsillar fossa.  Moreover,
            The importance of tumor midline involvement had been   although not statistically significant, tumors of the soft
            already exposed by Martin et al.  Risk increased to 16% in   palate and the pharyngeal walls also seemed to have a
            cases with tumors crossing the midline by less than 1 cm and   higher risk of CLNM. Capote-Moreno et al.  observed a
            reached 46% in those where the crossing was of more than   higher tendency for contralateral metastases in tumors
            1 cm. In the same way, Koo et al.  also demonstrated that the   located in the tongue base (31.4%) and the floor of the
            rate of contralateral occult neck metastasis was significantly   mouth (11%), with a lower frequency in the mobile tongue
            higher in cases in which the primary lesion showed extension   (7.2%) and the oropharynx (6.3%). However, in the study of
            across the midline, compared with early-stage or   Kurita et al.,  the incidence of CLNM was higher in cases
            unilateral lesions. In a series including 513 consecutive   of lower gum carcinoma (25%) than in those with mobile
            cases, Kowalski et al.  testified that the risks of CLNM were   tongue  carcinoma (15.4%). They  suggested  that  the
            significantly higher in cases of tumors extending to 1 cm or   direction of tumor invasion is a more important factor for
            less of the midline or crossing such medial margin (relative   CLNM than the original tumor location in patients with
             Table 1: Chart review of the main articles that analyze risk factors for CLNM
             Study         Year Number Mean age  Male:female  Follow-up   CLNM            Predictive factors
                                       (years)            (months)  (number of patients)
             Kowalski et al. [6]   1999   513   56.4   437:76   -         38           TNM stage and ipsilateral
             Kurita et al. [5]  2004   126   66   74:55      21           19         T-stage, ipsilateral metastases,
                                                                                      and histo-pathologic grading
             Koo et al. [8]  2006  66    53       52:14      44            7            T-stage and ipsilateral
             González-García  2007   203   59     72:28      71            9          Histo-pathologic grading and
             et al.                                                                    peritumoural inflammation
             González-García  2008   315   60    222:93   > 5 years       18          TNM stage, histopathologic
             et al. [12]                                                               grading, surgical margins,
                                                                                     ipsilateral neck dissection and
                                                                                         perineural invasion
             Liao et al. [31]  2009   913   49   852:61     > 24          55         ECS, tumor location, ipsilateral
                                                                                        metastases and histo-
                                                                                         pathological grading
             Capote-Moreno   2010   402   59     293:109    > 12          20         ECS, tumor location, ipsilateral
             et al. [7]                                                                 metastases and histo-
                                                                                         pathological grading
             Olzowy et al.    2011   352   56.8   274:78      -           75          Tumor location, T-stage and
                                                                                        ipsilateral metastases
             Lin et al. [38]  2012   683   > 50   624:59      -          36/676        Tumor location and histo-
                                                                                         pathologic grading
             Feng et al.    2014  1,482   60     822:66   > 5 years      35/844                ECS
             Habib et al. [33]  2016   481   64   288:193   160           14          Ipsilateral metastases and
                                                                                       histo-pathologic grading
            CLNM: contralateral lymph neck metastases; TNM: tumor node metastasis; ECS: extracapsular spread
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