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function after revascularization of the organ is immediately   Post-trasplant complicacions
           detected, the FAT is initially viable after reperfusion in the   Despite the complexity of the procedure, no cases of
           operating room, but facial motor activity and sensitivity are   allograft loss by surgical failures, such as arterial or venous
           absent. Therefore, in the first months of follow up, nerve   thrombosis or tissue damage by cold ischemia time, have
           regeneration and muscle rehabilitation becomes a challenge   been reported. The most important complications derived
           as well as patient’s ability to reintegrate allograft in sensory   from immunosuppressive therapy and drug toxicity leading to
           and motor cortex in the central nervous system. Between   metabolic disorders, opportunistic infections and increased
           6-9 months, patients recovered discriminative sensitivity of   incidence of malignancy.  Tacrolimus,  a potent calcineurin
           the face. The recovery of active and passive movements of   inhibitor,  is  well known for its  severe  nephrotoxicity.
           the lips was obtained between 6 and 12 months, but results   The majority of patients have suffered from opportunistic
           differed  between  full or partial FT. [45,48,54,57]   The  functional   infections such as cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex, herpes
           improvements  have been  proportional to motor recovery,   zoster,  candida albicans and bacterial infections,  most  of
           reaching even in some cases to restoration of near normal   them have been treated successfully. [55,75]  Due to an increased
           functional capacity. [72]                           risk of carcinogenesis  in  the  context  of a suppressed
                                                               immune  system,  it  was likely  that  a correlation  between
           The long-term results are yet to be assessed and reported by   immunosuppressive  medication and the appearance  of
           different FT teams and therefore a final assessment of the   tumors was established.  In this  sense,  neurofibromatosis
           results cannot be offered now.  Almost all patients have   type 1 or post-oncological sequelae are indications that may
           been able to breathing through the nose, smelling, chewing,   be critically questioned. Finally, at least 5 deaths associated
                                                               with the FT procedure have been collected so far caused by
           swallowing, eating and speech and phonation recovering to   failure of the immunotherapeutic regime, sepsis, recurrent
           a greater or lesser extent. [50,55,63,82-84]
                                                               malignant tumor, multiple organ failure and suicide, [34,96]
                                                               which for some  researchers reopens the  question  of risk
           Psycho-social outcomes                              versus benefit in the FT. [3,97]
           Psychological long-term results are not known with accuracy
           because  the  novel nature  of the  procedure,  although   ETHICAL IMPLICATIONS
           preliminary results have reported positive  outcomes. In
           general, patients experienced an acceptable  improvement   From  the  ethical point  of view,  a crucial issue  widely
           of quality of life with social reintegration and meaningful   discussed in the literature has been the obligation to subject
           changes for having  recovered their  body image,  without   individuals to immunosuppressive treatment during patient’s
           psychological disorders. [40,63]  All patients have accepted their   life, leading to increased risk of developing complications,
           new face and some  patients returned to work. [45,53,72]  The   when  it  is  not  a procedure  to  “save  lives”,  unlike  solid
           favorable outcome is probably a consequence of the strict   organ transplant that often  have an urgent  indication to
           preoperative selection with a psychiatric and psychological   save a person life. From that point of view, the risks of
           evaluation of motivated and compliant patients. [85-87]  immunosuppressive therapy may outweigh the benefits of
                                                               the procedure due to recipients are exposing to the risks
           After the inset of the donor face on the recipient, no problems   of immunosuppression.  However,  all transplant teams
           were detected with regard to identity transfer or change in   have reported that the reestablishment  of the functional
           body image in FT recipients. What is obtained is a mixture   capabilities and the restoration of the face “have changed
           of both subjects, and due to differences in the characteristics   the lives of patients”, and a significant improvement in
           of each facial bony structures, a new face is formed.   patient’s quality of life has occurred. [45]
           Therefore, the initial concerns about appearance of feelings
           of depersonalization to the new face and the transfer or   An  ethical  unsolved problem  would arise  if  a  total  loss

           separation of the donor’s identity have not been substantiated.   allograft occurs as a result of a surgical complication or
           According to donor families, recipients and transplant teams,   irreversible  rejection.  Confronted with  this  catastrophic
           the recipients do not resemble the donor. [72,88,89]  situation, very few reconstructive options would  remain
                                                               for that patient  and hypothetically, patients would return
                                                               to a starting situation much worse as consequence of the
           Post-transplant revisions and refinements           procedure FAT.
           To the extent that the number of FT has increased, various
           surgical refinements  have been  planned to optimize   Informed consent is crucial before performing a FAT for
           the aesthetic and functional results. [30,90]  The functional   the reasons discussed above. Moreover, the question
           and aesthetic improvement can be supported  in various   has  arisen  whether  consent can be  truly  informed  if  the
           secondary procedures as such as the re-alignment  of the   candidate previously does not coexist  with  the  facial
           jaws, restoration of teeth, re-suspension of the soft tissues,   disfigurement  for some time. Something  as outlined in
           fat injections and dermabrasion. [91-95]  These revisions did not   breast reconstruction, where a period of post-mastectomy
           seem to have caused major complications or affected in any   waiting gives the woman the opportunity to accept  a
           way the immunological rejection. [40]               complex reconstruction. [98]  Pediatric age creates an ethical
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