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Lasso. Plast Aesthet Res 2020;7:30  I                                                   Page 5 of 12

               Table 1. Progress is measured in months. When expressed in years, it is indicated along the table
                Patient  Age  Sex  Involved limb ISL classification Progress of lymphedema Number of LVA Preoperative rehabilitation
                1       32    F    Upper right     II           25 months        3       Temporarily effective
                2       45    F    Upper right     II           24 months        3       Temporarily effective
                3       35    M    Lower left      II           3 years          4       Temporarily effective
                4       41    F    Upper right     II           18 months        5       Non effective
                5       38    F    Upper left      II           4 years          4       Temporarily effective
                6       25    F    Lower right     III          15 months        4       Non effective
                7       56    F    Upper right     II           25 months        2       Temporarily effective
                8       39    F    Upper right     II           11 years         5       Temporarily effective
                9       45    F    Upper left      II           3 years          4       Temporarily effective
                10      67    F    Upper left      III          40 months        5       Non effective
                11      45    F    Lower right     II           38 months        6       Temporarily effective
                12      29    M    Upper left      II           3 years          3       Temporarily effective
                13      76    F    Lower right     II           28 months        10      Temporarily effective
                14      50    F    Upper left      II           24 months        4       Temporarily effective
                15      62    F    Upper right     II           4 years          4       Non effective
                16      65    F    Upper left      III          5 years          5       Non effective
                17      60    F    Upper left      II           6 years          4       Temporarily effective
                18      49    F    Upper left      II           25 months        5       Temporarily effective
                19      53    F    Upper right     II           23 months        3       Non effective
                20      55    F    Upper right     II           30 months        4       Temporarily effective
               Temporarily effective: Patients worsened when non-surgical therapy was discontinued; Non effective: Patients non responders to non-
               surgical therapy. LVA: lymphovenous anastomosis

               Table 2. Results for each patient 1 year after LVA procedure (cm)
                         Circumference difference   Circumference difference
                Patient                                          Satisfaction before surgeries Satisfaction after surgeries
                             preLVA (cm)         postLVA (cm)
                1               70                   58                  9                    11
                2               7.3                  6                   10                   12
                3               17                   13.5                13                   17
                4               11.2                 11                  6                    12
                5               17                   15                  7                    10
                6               30                   22                  9                    15
                7               10                   8.5                 8                    14
                8               41                   39                  6                    10
                9               37                   30                  8                    12
                10              23                   22.5                7                    16
                11              10                   8                   14                   19
                12              15                   12.5                11                   17
                13              18                   12                  9                    15
                14              50                   41                  11                   17
                15              20                   15                  8                    14
                16              42                   43                  14                   16
                17              15                   12.3                17                   20
                18              25                   21.2                16                   19
                19              22                   19                  8                    12
                20              32.5                 30                  12                   18
               Satisfaction: sum of responses in survey before and after global treatment with lymphovenous anastomosis (LVA)

               Figures 1 and 2 show volume reduction in the upper limb of a patient with lymphedema after breast cancer
               (patient 2).

               Table 3 shows pre- and post-operative ICG and SPECT-CT/lymphoscintigraphy results for all patients in
               our study. Findings of SPECT-CT/lymphoscintigraphy before surgery showed a total absence of lymph
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89