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Page 6 of 11                                         Zhang et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2019;6:30  I

               tissue qualities for corresponding defects: the latissimus dorsi flap provides significant tissue bulk for large
               tissue deficits, the neurotized gracilis flap provides potential for restoration of active motion, etc. In a span
               of 30 years, microsurgical flaps have become common practice in lower extremity reconstruction. There
               remains a disproportionately high rate of complications of free-flaps in microsurgical reconstruction,
               with a 14% rate of major complications cited in a retrospective review of over 400 injuries. Independent
               risk factors for flap compromise include prolonged operative time, preoperative anemia, steroid use, and
               diabetes .
               Other considerations, including selection of recipient vessels, remain of paramount importance. Clinical
               orthodoxy favors selection of vessels proximal to the site of injury, given progressive decrease in size of
               available source vessels more distal in the leg. However, this orthodoxy has recently been challenged by
               select institutions, as selection of recipient vessels distal to the site of injury was recently demonstrated to
               be non-inferior in a retrospective review of 312 free-tissue transfers for soft-tissue reconstructions of open
               tibial fractures . This remains a point of contention, but feasibility provides an alternative in the event of
               complication precluding more proximal access.

               A common paradigm in the reconstruction of lower extremity remains the anatomic subdivision of the leg
               into thirds: proximal, middle, and distal. The distal third provides unique reconstructive challenges due
               to paucity of local tissue available for local tissue rearrangement, and superficial distribution of structures
               requiring coverage. As such, the distal third of the leg manifests the opportunity to put the principles of the
               “reconstructive elevator”, into practice, yet remains plagued by higher rates of complications . Free-flaps
               remain the preferred option for reconstruction of substantial deficits in this region. However, comparison
               of free-flap coverage demonstrates increase rates of free-flap loss, and complications at the distal third of
               lower extremity injuries, when compared to more proximal leg injuries [47,48] . The use of propeller flaps has
               arisen as a viable option for soft-tissue coverage when free-tissue transfer is contraindicated, or simply
               not feasible  [Figure 2]. Propeller flaps provide substantial soft-tissue for coverage of essential structures
               via improved understanding of perfosome distribution without need for microanastomosis in precarious
               anatomic regions. Historically, perforator flaps had been thought to require thick cuffs of subcutaneous
               tissue to protect the pedicle from kinking, thereby restricting the arc of rotation, and often resulted in
               dog-ears at the axis of rotation. As understanding of perfasomes has advanced, including the course and
               distribution of these short branching vessels, local pedicled flaps have been used with increasing regularity
               for lower extremity reconstruction [43,50] . Particularly in the distal third of the lower extremity, multiple local
               flaps including the reverse sural fasciocutaneous flaps can be used with regularity to reconstruct complex
               defects, and can be staged as delayed flaps without any question of tissue viability [51,52] . More proximally,
               muscle flaps, such as the anterior tibial and soleus flaps, can be translated to cover bony defects following
               trauma, further establishing the role of local pedicled flaps in soft-tissue reconstruction of the lower

               Imaging in the setting of complex injury can be used to not only evaluate the viability of limb salvage,
               but also to orient eventual reconstruction via the identification, localization, and qualitative assessment of
               potential recipient vessels for purposes of microvascular reconstruction. Hard signs of ischemia, including
               hemorrhage, expanding hematoma, and absent distal pulses, are sufficient to prompt operative intervention
               to ensure continued perfusion of the distal extremity; in the absence of obvious signs, however, modalities
               used for assessment of vascular injury remain variable and institution dependent.

               The “gold standard” of evaluating vascular injury remains arteriography, but this modality is limited
               by persistent rates of iatrogenic injury, commonly cited at 1%-5%, as well as increased timing of
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