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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                  HA in tissue engineering

           Figure 2: The morphology of hyaluronic acid (RESTYLANE ) using   Figure 3: The gross view of cross-linked hyaluronic acid using
           scanning electron microscopy                       BDDE at the concentration of 0.8%
           alcohols and aryl fatty alcohols can be bound to HA   withstand greater mechanical force [19] .
           moleculesin order to improve the chemical properties
           of HA and its stability as a tissue engineering scaffold,   It is almost certain that most kinds of vertebrate cells
           as well as to extend its maintenance in the human body.   synthesize HA at some point in their natural history.
           The purpose of HA cross-linking is to convert it from   When fibroblasts, mesothelial or certain other kinds
           solid state to hydrogel state under mild conditions and   of cell are plated out in tissue culture, they surround
           to prolong its maintaining time in the human body [17] .   themselves in a few hours with a transparent gel-like
           Besides, the mechanical strength of crosslinked HA   HA which can protect themselves against damage
           can be remarkably improved compared to the non-    by immune cells, impedes virus infection and may be
           crosslinked one, which makes it more suitable for   important in mitosis [19] .
           tissue engineering applications.
                                                              CELL-MATRIX INTERACTIONS IN HA
           The cross-linking reaction of HA can be divided    HYDROGEL SCAFFOLDS
           into complete or incomplete one. The complete
           cross-linking reaction causes the HA molecules to
           be covalently attached to the continuous polymer   At present, different origins derived stem cells are the
           network so that HA is no longer soluble in the water.   most universally used seed cells in tissue engineering.
           While the incomplete reaction prompts part of the   HA can interact with many stem cell surface receptors,
           covalent binding reactions of HA molecules, resulting   inducing intracellular signal transduction through
           in partial solubility after the reaction. 1-ethyl-3-(3-  the connection with these receptors and activating
           dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide, divinyl sulfone,   corresponding proteins in a direct or indirect pattern [20] .
           glutaraldehyde, butanediol-diglycidyl ether are the
           most common crosslinking agents [Figure 3] [18] .  Through  signal  transduction  receptors,  HA  can
                                                              affect the most essential cell activities including
           The biological property of HA                      proliferation, survival, movement and differentiation.
           HA is synthesized by HA synthesis (HAS) on the cell   One of the most important receptors is CD44, which
           membrane. And it is the only glycosaminoglycan     provides an agent for maintaining and anchoring the
           that is not synthesized in the Golgisome. There are   proteoglycan polymer to the cytoplasmic membrane.
           three different HAS in mammals, HAS1, HAS2 and     CD44 plays an important role in tissue formation
           HAS3. The three enzymes are located on different   by  mediating  the  remodeling  of  extracellular
           chromosomes, producing HA with different molecular   matrix, intercellular interactions, and cell-matrix
           weights [11] .  The  expression  of  HAS  isoenzymes   interactions [21] . In addition, the close connection with
           varies under different status of morphogenesis and   the cytoskeleton allows CD44 to induce intracellular
           pathology. For example, HA in infants is of abundant   signal transduction, thereby experiencing changes in
           quantity, however, in the process of growing up it is   the extracellular matrix environment and triggering
           gradually replaced by collagen fibers and proteolycins   cellular responses [22] . Besides, CD44 receptors are
           which accounts for the fact that mature tissue can   of widespread concern because they are essential to

                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ December 29, 2017                  221
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