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Zhu et al.                                                                                                                                                                                                  HA in tissue engineering
           maintain cartilage phenotype and HA catabolism .   used in a variety of fields. The ideal tissue engineering
           HA-containing materials can also interact with proteins   scaffold should have good cell adhesion to support the
           or cells through the receptor for hyaluron-mediated   growth of seed cells, however, HA tends to have weak
           motility or intercellular adhesion molecule-1.     cell adhesion. Therefore, modifications like heparin
                                                              decorated, Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) sequence linking are
           There  are  also  some  reports  that  HA-based    indispensable [29-31] .
           scaffolds can directly induce or promote stem cell
           differentiation [22] . In vitro experiments conducted by   HA in vascular tissue engineering
           Meng et al. [23]  demonstrated that HA-based scaffold   In tissue engineering construction, a scaffold has to
           can induce stem cells into cartilage in basal medium   maintain its structure for several months or longer
           without the addition of growth factors. The increased   before extracellular matrix is deposited. Since the
           expression of an important HA receptor like CD44,   diffusion of nutrients and essential gases to cells
           also suggested the interaction of cells with HA [24] . In   is typically limited to a depth of 150-250 μm from a
           addition, Choi et al. [25]  reported that HA oligomers   capillary (3-10 cells thick) [32] , tissue constructs must
           in the skin substitute models could promote the    permit in-growth of a blood capillary network to
           survival of basal stem cells. Their experiments    nourish and sustain the viability of cells within . HA
           demonstrated that a recognized skin stem cell      can be chemically modified to promote angiogenesis
           marker p63 expression was elevated in the skin     without changing its original biocompatibility or
           substitute model added HA oligomer (400-2000 Da),   weak immunogenicity [33] . HA can be degraded into
           therefore, HA may also help to maintain stemness [25] .   oligomers (HA oligomers, HAO) (4-25 dose units)
           Huang et al. [26]  also reported that mesenchymal stem   by hyaluronidase in vivo. These HAOs have a high
           cells grown on chitosan-HA membranes performed     biological activity and are capable of affecting
           better in maintaining stemness markers (Oct4, Sox2   cell behavior including angiogenesis through
           and Nanog) than cells cultured on common dishes.   monovalent bond to the host cells [3,34] . Silva et al.
           On the contrary, if CD44 was blocked by the antibody,   demonstrated that gellan gum-HA hydrogel can be
           then the cells would lose their ability to maintain the   degraded by hyaluronidase and release various
           spherical form while the stemness gene expression   amounts and sizes of HA oligomers that are capable
           would also decline. It indicated that HA may assist in   of promoting the proliferation of human umbilical
           maintaining stemness through CD44 [26] .           vein endothelial cells.Besides, in the mice hind limb
                                                              ischemia model, HA-cell composite can significantly
           HAIN TISSUE ENGINEERING                            promote angiogenesis. A series of in vitro and in vivo
                                                              experiments have shown that long-chain (native high
           Tissue transplantation is one of the most frequent and   molecular weight) HA at physiological concentrations
           most important treatments in plastic and reconstructive   has the ability to resist inflammation and inhibit
           surgery. However, autologous transplantation is often   angiogenesis. Long-chain HA can bind to CD44, and
           limited by the insufficiency and trauma of donor site,   inhibit cell proliferation, cell cycle in the key signal
           while allogeneic transplantation is faced with immune   transduction, thereby inhibiting angiogenesis.While
           rejection, donor scarcity, transplant infection and   HAO will compete with long-chain HA for binding
           other risks. The emergence of tissue engineering is   to CD44 and prompt mitosis and angiogenesis [35] .
           a promising technique to overcome these problems   The CD44-HA oligosaccharide interactions that
           above.                                             primarily cause these pro-mitotic effects have also
                                                              been shown to stimulate matrix metalloproteinase-2
           Tissues or even organs can  be  regenerated by     and -9 production and thereby increase cell invasion
           the coordination of seed cells, scaffold and growth   through extracellular matrix barriers to facilitate vessel
           factors. The histocompatibility, chemical modification   sprouting and outgrowth [36] . Since the pro-angiogenic
           and biodegradability of HA make it an ideal scaffold   HA oligomers cannot by themselves be crosslinked to
           for tissue engineering. The properties of hydrogel   yield solid biomaterials, and can also potentially incite
           can mimic the water content of human tissue and    inflammatory/activated cell responses, they must be
           contribute to the exchange of oxygen, nutrition and   presented on other scaffolding biomaterials, either
           metabolic waste [27,28] . In addition, the fluid morphology   synthetic or natural [37,38] . Another method is to mix with
           makes it possible to inject the scaffold through a tiny   the more bioinert long-chain HA in such a manner as
           needle hole, which can greatly reduce the trauma and   to fulfill the physical and mechanical requirements of
           infection rate of the operation. Therefore, it has been   the biomaterial, elicit the desired biologic responses,
           one of the hotspots in tissue engineering materials and   and yet deter excessive and long-term inflammation .

            222                                                                                    Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ December 29, 2017
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