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EL-Sabawi et al.                                                                                                                                                          Restoration of failed breast reconstruction

           Table 3: Studies reporting surgical outcomes following restoration of previously failed or unsatisfactory
           autologous reconstruction
                                                                                  Surgical outcomes
                             Breasts    Initial   Indication for      Anastomotic   Total   Total   Revisional
           Authors                                           Flap choice          flap
                               (n)   reconstruction  salvage           revisions,     complications ,  surgery ,
                                                                         n (%)   loss,    n (%)       n (%)
                                                                                 n (%)
           Munhoz et al.  2016   12    Pedicle LD  Total flap loss Contralateral   0  0   5 (41.7)    7 (58.3)
                                                               free LD
           Mohan et al.  2013   7    86% DIEP; 14%  Total flap loss  LD +/-   -    0        -           -
                                         TMG                   implant
           Hamdi et al.  2010   14   57% DIEP; 21%   79% total   36% SGAP;   -   2 (14.2)  4 (28.6)  13 (92.9)
                                    SGAP; 14% SIEA;   flap loss;   21% TMG;
                                      7% msTRAM    14% partial   21% LD;
                                                   flap loss; 7%  14% TDAP;
                                                   recurrence  9% DIEP
           Hammond et al.  2007   14    pTRAM     Partial flap loss  LD    -       0      9 (64.2)      -
           Karanas et al.  2002   7  56% fTRAM; 44%   57% fat   LD         -       0      1 (14.3)    3 (42.9)
                                        pTRAM     necrosis; 14%
                                                  radiation; 14%
                                                  volume; 14%
                                                    chest wall
           *Complication rate reported as a percentage of the total number of flaps;  includes breast related operations performed to improve
           aesthetic outcome or symmetry, not including nipple reconstruction. LD: latissimus dorsi flap; DIEP: deep inferior epigastric perforator flap;
           TMG: transverse myocutaneousgracilis flap; SGAP: superior gluteal artery perforator flap; SIEA: superficial inferior epigastric artery flap;
           msTRAM: muscle sparing transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap; pTRAM: pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous
           flap; fTRAM: free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap; TDAP: thoracodorsal artery perforator flap
           0-7.1%). No instances of microsurgical revisions or fat   to consolidate surgical outcomes, aesthetic outcomes,
           necrosis were reported.                            and patient satisfaction of tertiary reconstruction in
                                                              order to better characterize its benefits and pitfalls.
           Two studies evaluated patient satisfaction (17 patients)
           and no studies directly evaluated aesthetic outcomes   Tertiary reconstruction is best described following failed
           in patients with restoration of previously failed   or unsatisfactory prosthetic breast reconstruction. In
           autologous reconstruction [28,29] . Of these, one study   this review, 79% (15/19) of included studies evaluated
           determined patient satisfaction following LD salvage of   outcomes of tertiary reconstruction in this setting.
           partial TRAM loss via telephone interview and stated   Since 2002, prosthetic reconstruction has surpassed
           that all 10 patients interviewed “found the procedure   autologous  tissue  as  the  leading  reconstructive
           worthwhile” [28] . The  other  study  also  evaluated   modality and its use has continued to grow in recent
           satisfaction after LD salvage of partial TRAM loss and   years [12] . The reason for this is multifactorial but likely
           reported a 100% patient satisfaction rate (n = 7) [29] .   related to its technical feasibility, lack of donor site
                                                              morbidity, and changes in mastectomy patterns,
           DISCUSSION                                         such as increased bilateral mastectomies. Despite
                                                              these advantages, risk of potential complications
           Failure of post-mastectomy breast reconstruction can   and unsatisfactory long term aesthetic outcomes are
           be a devastating experience for patients [15] . Evaluating   significantly increased as compared to autologous
           outcomes of techniques to salvage reconstruction is   reconstruction [13,30] . In this review, capsular contracture,
           crucial to optimizing their management and enhancing   poor cosmesis, persistent pain, and infection were
           quality of life. Tertiary reconstruction via use of   the most commonly cited reasons for patients
           autogenous tissue has been suggested to provide    choosing to undergo tertiary reconstruction. History of
           improved outcomes in these patients by several     neoadjuvant or adjuvant radiotherapy has been shown
           studies [6-8] . However, as demonstrated in this review,   to significantly increase the risk of these adverse
           much of the data pertaining to tertiary reconstruction is   outcomes and was present in nearly half of patients
           limited to case series that suffer from their retrospective   who underwent autologous conversion in this review.
           nature, limitations in sample size, and institutional
           variability. The purpose of this systematic review was   Prior implant placement and resulting capsule formation

            200                                                                                      Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ October 31, 2017
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