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Page 2 of 4                Chi et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:70

               In a study by Peters et al., a special cohort of patients offered the rare clinical opportunity where the failed
               allograft was close enough to the nerve end-target to justify a simultaneous acellular nerve allograft excision
               and autograft reconstruction . Histologic analyses in these patients demonstrated the presence of
               myelinated axons proximal to the allograft and a paucity of regenerating axons through the allograft .
               Figure 1 includes a gross image with corresponding histologic sections demonstrating the presence of
               myelinated axons proximal to, within, and distal to the ANA. For proximal nerve injuries, the time and
               distance to end target are usually too long and are thereby prohibitive of autograft reconstruction. The failed
               ANA is then frequently left in place as the senescent axons traveling through the allograft have dwindled
               and are thus useful for pain control while distal nerve transfers are performed .

               Nerve autografts have been considered the gold standard, with the cellular and extracellular components
               serving as a biologic scaffold to guide axonal regeneration. However, there are limits to autograft efficacy as
               dictated by nerve gap length and diameter. For example, 6 cm appears to be a useful approximate ceiling for
               what outcomes may be expected in reconstructing motor nerve gaps, as demonstrated in a study assessing
               outcomes from common peroneal nerve decompression and reconstruction . However, in another study,
               gaps greater than 5 cm were associated with 10% meaningful motor recovery and 52.9% meaningful sensory
               recovery . Additionally, large diameter nerve gaps represent a greater challenge to revascularization
               demand for autografts and acellular nerve allografts. Increasing nerve diameter increases central necrosis
               during the period of nerve recovery. In a study by Leckenby et al., ANA nerve diameters greater than 3 mm
               were inhibitory to axonal growth . Autografts revascularize via longitudinal inosculation, while acellular
               nerve allografts require the reconstitution of entirely vascular networks de novo [10,11] . Hence, even with
               matched diameters, allografts have been demonstrated to take several times longer than autografts to
               revascularize .

               Fortunately, for shorter or smaller-diameter nerve gaps, acellular nerve allografts and nerve conduits may
               return function to some degree since only 25%-30% of nerve fibers are necessary, given the compensatory
               expansion of motor and sensory units [13,14] . However, when critical functions are being restored, it would be
               reasonable to utilize “gold standard” autografts to maximize functional recovery. In one of the few studies
               not funded by industry, meaningful motor recovery after ANA declined notably with diameters exceeding 2
               mm and lengths of 2 cm . Utilizing an off-the-shelf allograft is less time-consuming than harvesting an
               autograft, but in keeping with the principles of reconstructive surgery, the solution must match the
               demands and functional importance of the defect. For example, cortical bone allografts certainly have their
               place in skeletal reconstruction; however, when bone gap distance and weight-bearing criteria are
               considered, vascularized bone flaps may be the suitable treatment [15,16] . Therefore, in modern nerve surgery,
               it remains the practice of the senior author to treat critical motor and sensory nerves with nerve autograft.
               By contrast, acellular nerve allografts are utilized for noncritical or small-diameter sensory nerves and to
               prevent neuroma formation by utilizing the dwindling regeneration that occurs over a long distance .
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