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Jonis et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:29  Page 3 of 8

               Development of a designated microsurgical robot
               The aforementioned limitations and the increasing demand for super microsurgery resulted in a
               collaboration between technicians of the Technical University of Eindhoven (TU/e, Eindhoven, Eindhoven)
               and microsurgeons of the Maastricht University Medical Center to develop a surgical robot designated for
               super microsurgery.

               The MUSA is a lightweight, small-sized master-slave system that can be incorporated into any surgical
               setting. It is compatible with existing surgical microscopes and exoscopes and uses conventional super
               micro instruments. The robot consists of slave manipulators that can be mounted on the operating table
               and can be adjusted in height according to the location of the operative field. The surgeon has a direct view
               of the operation site and is able to perform surgery using joystick-like master manipulators. Through the
               device software, the manipulators can filter out tremors and motion scaling is effectuated using the foot

               The efficacy of the MUSA Gen-1 was tested in a preclinical setting using 2 mm-silicone vessels and in vivo
               rat models in previously reported studies [21,22] . In both studies, the time to perform an anastomosis was
               logged and the quality of the anastomosis was measured using the modified version of the Structured
               Assessment of Microsurgical Skills (SAMS) .
               The SAMS score consists of four categories (dexterity, visuospatial ability, operative flow, and judgment),
               and each category contains three items that can be scored from 1 (bad) to 5 (excellent). Overall performance
               (1 bad-5 excellent) and indicative skill (1 novice-5 expert) were also evaluated .
               During the preclinical studies with silicone vessels, conventional manual microsurgery had overall higher
               SAMS scores compared to robot-assisted procedures. Overall, a learning curve was reported for indicative
               skill and overall performance in both groups .
               During the in vivo experiments with rat models, the abdominal aorta (1.8 to 2.4 mm) and femoral artery
               (0.7 to 0.8 mm) were used. While manual surgery had shorter anastomosis times and higher SAMS scores,
               the MUSA once more showed a steep learning curve, with surgery time gradually decreasing and overall
               quality per anastomosis improving. Furthermore, patency was confirmed in all anastomoses but one .

               Even though manual surgery reported higher SAMS scores, the results of the first designated microsurgical
               robot were not disappointing. The steep learning curve in the robotic group indicates that with adequate
               training, the MUSA robot has the potential to supersede manual surgery. Based on this newly gained
               experience, a new generation MUSA was created with a more ergonomic design to improve manual
               dexterity [21,22] .

               In 2017 the first LVA using a designated microsurgical robot (MUSA) was performed, followed by the first-
               in-human randomized pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of the MUSA in super microsurgery . The
               study evaluated the efficacy of the MUSA in LVA surgery in patients suffering from breast cancer-related
               lymphedema (BCRL). From 2017, twenty females suffering from unilateral BCRL of the arm, stage 1 or 2,
               according to the International Society of Lymphology, with viable lymphatic vessels ICG stadium II-III
               (Narushima) as determined with NIRF were randomized to undergo robot-assisted or manual LVA . In
               the video Supplement Materials, an LVA is demonstrated with the use of the MUSA robot. A minimum of
               30 h of robot microsurgical training was required before the surgeon can participate in the study.
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