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Xu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Radiation therapy in keloids treatment

           considered  as  the  last  resort  which  can  significantly   beam irradiation and to low dose rate or high dose rate
           reduce recurrence rate. [25]   Notably,  the  definition  of   brachytherapy, radiation therapy technology treatment
           recurrence  is controversial  which  might cause  bias   has provided  us with several options on different
           in clinical studies. The universally accepted definition   lesions and different sites. However,  we still believe
           was an  elevation of  the scar,  extending beyond   that the damage mechanism  and  the mechanism
           the  original  surgical  field. [26]   Early in 1970s, several   behind  resistance  generation  are  largely  similar
           negative results drew the determined conclusion that   among  all  radiation  therapy types. Moreover, the
           simply  surgical excision  was accompanied  with high   cellular response to radiation therapy was rendered as
           rate of recurrence, ranging from 40% to 100%. [27]  The   a possible explanation accounting for local recurrence.
           possible explanation was surgery itself was considered   Indeed, what role did irradiation played  remained
           as  the  stimulation of  additional collagen synthesis.   unclear. We now present a comprehensive review over
           Therefore, the surgical  excision was no longer  used   this issue, trying to identify the most valuable pathway
           alone.  The combination  therapy of surgical  excision   involved in cellular response to irradiation.
           and radiation therapy gradually replace the traditional
           surgical  excision.  Starting  from  superficial  X-ray   POTENTIAL MOLECULAR PATHWAYS AND
           irradiation,  the radiation  therapy  effectiveness was   CELLULAR RESPONSE
           gradually proven. Radiation therapy has a long history
           being  applied  in treating keloids.  The inhibition  of   Unfortunately,  no present literatures could perform a
           scar growth and postoperative keloids formation was   thorough review on the ways which irradiation played.
           found back to early in the 20th century. DeBeurman   It might be attributed  to the diversity  of irradiation
           and  Gougerot  first  described  X-ray  treatment  of   source  and  particles  or uncertainty  of molecular
           keloids in 1906 and serial positive reports followed. [28]    pathways  dominance  in keloid  formation.  A fraction
           First  recommended  in keloids prevention and then   dose of 5 Gy was considered effective in eliminating
           escalated to keloids treatment. [29]  Meanwhile, the rapid   aberrantly activated fibroblasts and promoting the rest
           technology development also contributed to extension   of normal fibroblasts. [31]  Similarities of direct damage
           of radiation therapy application in treating keloids. From   and cellular response to ionizing irradiation could bring
           kilovoltage irradiation to electron beam irradiation, from   us some potential inspirations. Genetic susceptibility,
           outside of the body to inside of the body, the transition   radiosensitivity and complications were taken into
           of  technology brought improvement recurrence rate   our consideration.  As known  to us, the biological
           reduction and better normal tissue sparing. As one of   effectiveness of radiation was quite dependable owing
           the experienced radiation therapy center, our team is   to  different  sites,  linear energy transfer  (LET),  total
           quite familiar  with this combination  therapy. Actually,   dose, fractionation  rate and  radio-sensitivity. Various
           different radiation therapy facility, technology, different   mechanisms were reportedly involved in killing cancer
           treatment modality  combined  and  different treatment   cells or benign tumor cells. Early explanation was built
           protocol will cause variable clinical  outcome. For   on  the  hypothesis  that  local  fibroblasts  which  were
           example, due to the radiation therapy center of  our   destroyed by irradiation cannot be replaced by distant
           hospital, we here  gave our recommendation of  our   fibroblasts. [32]  Under light microscope, programmed
           treatment modality. The first radiation therapy should   cell death or apoptosis  dominated in post-irradiated
           be performed within 48 h postoperatively or after other   targeted tissues.  Apoptotic numbers and ratio in
           procedures. The radiation therapy was performed 1st   postoperative keloid tissues were considered  as
           day postoperatively and on the 8th day of hypofractions   very important index evaluating  the radio-sensitivity
           as reported by Shen et al. [30]  previously. The external   and direct DNA damage. Correspondingly, necrosis,
           beam was administered using 6 or 7 MeV electrons.   mitotic cell death or mitotic catastrophe, senescence,
           Flat  lesion surface was largely achieved by patient   autophagy  were also observed  and partially  proved
           position change confirmed by radiation therapists. The   in some  in vitro  studies. [33]   The intracellular  target
           field  of  irradiation  field  covered  the  entire  lesion  site   was apparently the DNA, whose damage can cause
           with 1 cm margin to ensure the enclosure the margin.   irreversible  cell  injury  or triggering  the programmed
           Normal tissue shielding was implemented by appliance   cell death. The most effortless classification of these
           of a 0.8 cm customized lead sheet. Additionally, 0.5 cm   damages  was naturally  dividing  them into two parts,
           of wax was utilized to broaden the radiation field. For   direct damage and indirect damage. Direct damage
           every single lesion, a total dose of 18 Gy in 2 fractions   essentially referred to the interaction between radiation
           with interval of 1 week was well established. In a brief   and DNA, while indirect damage referr to the damage
           summary, the relative low ā/β ratio of lower fractions   from  radiation-derived  free radicals. Direct actions
           and higher doses were presumed as  the  choice of   dominate in high-LET  ionizing irradiation technology
           treatment. Ranging from superficial X-rays, to electron-  (neutrons and other heavier ions), generating  high-
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ July 28, 2017                      119
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