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Xu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Radiation therapy in keloids treatment

           INTRODUCTION                                       the Latin word “crab”. However, the hypertrophic scars
                                                              are apparently more linear,  nodular,  or papular with
           Keloids have been considered frustrating issues    more regular borders and are always within the original
           for  many decades since surgeries evolved.  The    wound borders.
           keloids were firstly considered as pathological wound
           healing  process. Deemed as benign  tumors, keloids   The hypertrophic scars usually  occur 4 to 8 weeks
           were  uncontrolled  and  unconfined  sharply  bounded   postoperatively  or after  the injury,  compared to  high
           hyperplasia of dermal connective tissues arising from   variability of keloids formation time. The time of keloid
           an abnormal wound  healing  process.  This benign   formation can be quite volatile, from generally within
           lesion often follows dermal injury, burn injury, tattooing   3 months to many years after the dermal injury. Unlike
           and even simple acnes. However, the cause of keloid   the hypertrophic scars, which often gradually regress
           formation remained a mystery.  Familial tendency   after years, keloids persist for longer period of time and
           and darker skin races preference  were observed    do not regress spontaneously.  Moreover,  even both
           in prevalence of this benign disease.  The keloid is   lesions are pruritic, the keloids are more likely to cause
           gradually considered as a genetic disease with genetic   significant pain and hyperesthesia.
           predisposition  that  demonstrates  an autosomal
           dominant  or X-linked  inheritance pattern. Even   PATHOPHYSIOLOGICAL BASIS OF
           though there was no specific genes identified directly   KELOIDS FORMATION
           related to keloid  formation, several susceptibility  loci
           were reported before. In one study utilizing genome-  Keloids  can derive  from any form of dermal  injury.
           wide sequencing  technology  to discover susceptible   However, the pathological  process  of its formation
           loci, 4 potential single-nucleotide  polymorphisms  in   is still poorly  understood.  Both environmental  and
           3 chromosomal  regions  in Japanese  patients were   genetic factors contribute to this pathological process.
           identified.   Two rare syndromes were historically   Apparently, a universally accepted theory is that both
           named  due to its familial  tendency, the Rubinstein-  keloids and hypertrophic scars are considered results
           Taybi syndrome and Goeminne syndrome.
                                                              of  persistent  chronic  inflammation.  In  histological
           Black people are more likely to  have this benign   view,  continuous  local  inflammation  was  observed
                                                              along with keloid progression.   Inflammatory  cells,
           lesion, while the Caucasians are least likely. In African   increased  numbers  of  fibroblasts,  angiogenesis,  and
           populations, the incidence is 6-16%, which is 15 times
           higher than whites.   The more piercing  happened   new collagen deposition were all observed. Besides,
           among women might bring the confounding bias which   inflammatory  cytokines  or  mediators  were  also
           leads to female predominance. [4]                  overproduced in keloids or hypertrophic scar tissues,
                                                              including  interleukin  (IL)-1α,  IL-1β,  IL-6,  and  tumor
           Moreover, keloid  growths are more likely  seen on   necrosis  factor  (TNF)-α.  These  pro-inflammatory
           the chest,  shoulders, upper back, back of  the neck   genes or products are believed  to be sensitive to
           and earlobes, where larger  skin tension should  be   trauma, induce continuous inflammation and collagen
           noted. Notably, the earlobe  is exceptional,  which   deposition. Moreover, persistent chronic inflammation
           indicate lower recurrence rate under similar treatment.   could  potentially  explain  the  relative  higher
           Therefore, this site-specific characteristic provides us   invasiveness  of keloid  scars.  The major  occasion
           the  site-specific  treatment  algorithms,  for  example,   where  inflammation  happened,  reticular  dermis  is
           to decide whether or not the lesion requires radiation   believed to function primarily in keloid formation. This
           therapy. There were several characteristics of keloids,   theory is partly supported by the valid therapeutic value
           several morphological and histological differences. It is   of corticosteroids injection/tape/ointment  in keloid
           also noted that, the hypertrophic scarring and keloids   treatment. Besides, one of the many widely accepted
           often  confuse dermatologists  and surgeons when it   theories is that more injury and inflammation will more
           comes to diagnosis due to their similar appearances.   likely  generate excessive  scar tissue. A multitude  of
                                                              cells were involved in wound healing process, as well
           Clinically, keloids are firm nodules, which can be skin   as keloid  scarring. One of the very important cells,
           colored, dispigmented, or erythematous secondary to   fibroblast produce collagen show sustained activity. [7]
           telangiectasias. The keloid scars in Caucasian people,   Aberrantly excessive growth factor and overproduction
           are more likely to be erythematous and telangiectatic.   of its receptors were both observed in growth pattern of
           Comparatively, hyperpigmentation is more popular in   keloid-derived fibroblasts. Overexpression of vascular
           Blacks.  The lesion always extends beyond the border   endothelial growth factor (VEGF), transforming growth
           of dermacated primary lesion, and often with irregular   factor  (TGF)-β1,  TGF-β2,  connective  tissue  growth
           shape, just like how the word “keloid” originated from   factor, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, as well as the
                           Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ July 28, 2017                      117
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