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Xu et al.                                                                                                                                                                              Radiation therapy in keloids treatment

           platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-α receptor were   strategies emphasized on 5 major treatment modality,
           all reported in previous studies.  Alterations of these   including  intralesional  corticosteroid  injection,
           growth factors secretion were believed  to be pivotal   cryotherapy, surgical manipulation,  radiotherapy  and
           for  scarring  process.  Keloid-derived  fibroblasts  were   laser therapy. Intralesional  injections  started since
           reported more sensitive to several key growth factors   1960s,  but demonstrating  various  but limited  clinical
           like  TGF-β1,  PDGF  and  IGF-1  compared  to  normal   outcome. The suppression effect of topical inflammation
           fibroblasts,  which  might  explain  the  overproduction   is considered the basis of intralesional corticosteroid
           of collagen by keloid-derived fibroblasts.  Moreover,   injection. [17]   Diminished  collagen or extracellular
           other  than  the  collagen-producing  cells  fibroblasts,   matrix  and  inhibition  of  fibroblasts  migration  were
           keratinocytes isolated from keloid formation also   both reported. However, the response rate was quite
           were shown to have an aberrant behavior, especially   uncertain, varying from 50% to 100%. [18,19]  The control of
           co-cultured with fibroblasts. Two vital cytokines were   recurrence rate was also fluctuating, ranging from less
           believed secreted from  keloid-derived keratinocytes,   than 10% to over 50%. [20,21]  The most common adverse
           the hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and release of   effects included  dermal  atrophy, telangiectasia  and
           IL-1. [10]  Some paracrine secretion by keloids were also   local pain at the injection  site. Another monotherapy
           deemed as contributor to fibroblasts overgrowth and   utilized accompanied with less trauma is cryotherapy,
           collagen overproduction. [11]  What’s more, melanocytes,   which is believed to function through vascular damage,
           mast cells and myofibroblasts were also all considered   then anoxia and tissue necrosis. [22]  The success rate
           playing important roles in keloid scarring. [12,13]  ranges from 32% to 74% when utilized for at least two
                                                              sessions.  The adverse  effects were quite similar  to
           As  pathomechanism  parallel  to  skin  fibrosis,  TGF-β   intralesional  corticosteroid  injection.  Botulinum  toxin
           was currently considered as one of the key regulators   A injected  intralesionally  was considered  as another
           in  keloid  formation.  TGF-β  is  the  cytokine  with  a   critical way to treat keloids, effective but better tolerated
           wide variety of biological function implicated in other   than intralesional steroid. [23]  Besides, both intralesional
           fibrotic disorders. Stimulation of cell proliferation and   corticosteroid injection and botulinum toxin A injection
           cellular  differentiation  made  TGF-β  family  a  very   are combined with other therapies, especially radiation
           important mediator in wound repair process, especially   therapy. Furthermore, laser treatment is another
           functioning in extracellular matrix production. In normal   modality  proved to be effective in controlling  keloid
           wound healing process or hypertrophic scarring, TGF-  formation. Since the 1980s, multiple laser treatment
           β’s activity will finally regress accompanied with wound   modalities were introduced for keloids and hypertrophic
           sites to be mature. However, in pathological process,   scars,  such as  carbon dioxide laser and 585-nm
           like  keloid  formation,  TGF-β’s  expression  level  and   pulsed-dyelaser  (PDL)  laser. Notably, PDL laser  is
           activity remain sustainably  upregulated. [14]  SMAD   nowadays considered the most  effective among all
           signal-transduction pathway, as the major downstream   laser treatment utilized, especially initial hypertrophic
           mediator of TGF-β, is believed to be dominant in keloid   scars or primary keloids. [24]  Laser treatment can
           scarring  process.  Upregulated TGF-β  diminishes  the   control keloid  growth through generating  ischemic
           SMAD3 expression,  which  subsequently  increase   microenvironment. Besides, more and more treatment
           procollagen  gene expression and enhance  ECM      modalities  were utilized,  generating  different clinical
           deposition. [15]  Except for  TGF-SMAD pathway, other   outcome.  The major adjuvant  preventative  therapy
           pathways  involved  in  other  fibrotic  disorder  or  solid   includes  pressure,  silicone  gel  sheeting,  flavonoids.
           tumors were also reported playing  roles in keloid   Some other drugs, especially  chemotherapeutic  or
           formation at different levels, like p53 and mTOR. [16]    immune suppressive drugs, such as 5-fluorouracil (5-
           These pathways also  provide  us with  substantial   FU),  Bleomycin,  mitomycin C,  botulinum toxin were
           background when studying keloid’s  response to     also applied to treat keloids.
                                                              Surgery and radiation therapy
           MANAGEMENT OF KELOIDS                              Lastly, as one of the traditional treatment for keloids
                                                              and hypertrophic scars, surgical treated lesions alone
           Management of keloids was considered a conundrum   have a recurrence  rate ranging  from 45% to 100%.
           without definitive optimal treatment strategies. A well-  The surgery is  believed  to  be another skin trauma
           established  treatment strategy was  reported  before,   which  potentially  causes  more damage  than before.
           mentioning  a new emerging  treatment strategy     Then the  combination therapy  of  surgery and other
           comprised of surgical excision, radiation, corticosteroid   post-operative treatment became popular around the
           injection, laser and conservative multimodal therapy.   world. Among these treatment modalities, combination
           The current mainstream of current definitive treatment   therapy of surgical excision and radiation therapy was

            118                                                                                            Plastic and Aesthetic Research ¦ Volume 4 ¦ July 28, 2017
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