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Chen et al. Plast Aesthet Res 2023;10:24                                    Page 7 of 26

               Table 1. Intra- and postoperative monitoring techniques for the detection of thrombotic complications in microsurgical breast reconstruction

                Flap Monitoring   Mechanism of Monitoring   Receiver Operating   Advantages       Disadvantages            Recommendation for Use
                Technique                              Characteristics
                Acoustic Doppler   The location of the arterial and venous   Sensitivity: 50%   Non-invasive, readily   Unable to perform continuous   Recommended for routine
                Sonography  anastomoses is marked on the surface of  Specificity: 100%   available, able to distinguish   monitoring, difficult to determine the   postoperative monitoring, ideally in
                            the flap intraoperatively. A Doppler   PPV: 100%   between venous and arterial   source of Doppler signal (recipient vs  conjunction with other
                            probe is placed on the surface of the skin  NPV: 98.6%   flow, ease of operator use,   pedicle), no quantitative output, and   continuous/advanced monitoring
                            paddle overlying the vessel. An auditory  Accuracy: 98.6%   and relatively inexpensive.  interpretation dependent on clinical   techniques when available
                            pulsatile or continuous hum sound   SR: 100%                          experience
                            confirms arterial or venous patency,
                Cook-Swartz   An electrode mounted on a silicone cuff  Sensitivity: 100%   Capable of continuous   Relatively more invasive, no   Not recommended if there is a skin
                Implantable Doppler is secured around the vascular pedicle   Specificity: 88-100%   monitoring, able to distinguish  consensus on probe placement, no   paddle, given the preference for non-
                            with a thin wire connecting it to an   PPV: 33.3-100%   between arterial and venous   quantitative output, high false-positive  invasive modalities. Recommend use in
                            external monitor. Auditory output is   NPV: 100%   flow, and ease of operator use rate, risk of anastomotic rupture when  buried flaps
                            similar to that of acoustic Doppler   Accuracy: 88.7-100%             pulling the probe, and risk of
                            sonography                 SR: 80-100%                                thrombosis or vessel kinking from the
                Flow Coupler   A venous coupler is fitted with a Doppler  Sensitivity: 100%   Easier to place with reduced   Relatively more invasive, no   Not recommended if there is a skin
                Implantable Doppler probe with a thin wire connecting it to an  Specificity: 94-98.1%   operative time compared to   quantitative output, monitors venous   paddle, given the preference for non-
                            external monitor. Auditory output is   PPV: 60-66.7%   implantable Doppler alone,   flow only, and risk of thrombosis or   invasive modalities. Recommend use in
                            similar to that of acoustic Doppler   NPV: 100%    capable of continuous   vessel kinking from the probe/wire  buried flaps
                            sonography                 Accuracy: 94.7-98.2%    monitoring, and ease of
                                                       SR: 75-100%             operator use
                Color Duplex   An ultrasound probe and viewing   Receiver operating characteristics   Non-invasive, readily   Unable to perform continuous   Can consider adjunctive use in the
                Ultrasonography [170,  monitor allows direct visualization of   for the detection of microvascular   available, provides real-time   monitoring, typically requires a   intraoperative and postoperative
                            vessel patency as well as blood flow   thrombosis have not been reported   imaging of anastomotic   radiology technician to perform and a  setting or in buried flaps. However,
                            velocity and direction     in the context of microsurgical   patency, and provides   radiologist to interpret, and no   should not be used as a primary
                                                       breast reconstruction; however,   quantitative output  comparative studies available on its   postoperative monitoring tool due to
                                                       Jacob et al. and Arya et al. have          use in breast flaps, costly   lack of data and operator dependence
                                                       described its potential use
                Laser Doppler   A probe attached to the surface of the   Sensitivity: 100%   Non-invasive, capable of   Monitors at the capillary level only so  Not yet advanced enough to be
                Flowmetry   skin paddle emits laser light which is   Specificity: 100%   continuous monitoring  unable to distinguish between venous  recommended in routine clinical
                            reflected back by the movement of red   PPV: 100%                     and arterial flow, subject to error due   practice
                            blood cells to calculate their velocity  NPV: 100%                    to patient movement, no standard
                                                       Accuracy: 100%                             criteria for detecting vascular
                                                       SR: 80%                                    compromise, operator dependent
                Near-Infrared and   A probe attached to the surface of the   Sensitivity: 96.5-100%   Non-invasive, capable of   Monitors at the capillary level only so  Recommended for continuous
                Visible Light   skin paddle emits near-infrared or visible  Specificity: 96.4-100%    continuous monitoring, not   unable to distinguish between venous  postoperative monitoring in
                Spectroscopy  light, which is absorbed by   PPV: 50-100%       sensitive to patient   and arterial flow, potential influence of  conjunction with routine acoustic
                            chromophores (oxygenated and   NPV: 99.8-100%      movement, provides   clinical (ex flap type or skin pigment)   Doppler sonography and clinical
                            deoxygenated hemoglobin). The   Accuracy: 97-100%   quantitative output, criteria   and environmental (ambient light)   assessment if institutional resources
                            reduction in light intensity is measured   SR: 66.7-100%   for detecting vascular   variables, and relatively more costly   allow
                            to determine tissue oxygen saturation              compromise defined, and ease  than Doppler devices
                                                                               of operator use.
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