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Ghosh et al. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2018;5:38  I              Page 5 of 11

               Table 1. Patient characteristics at time of initial stroke
                Characteristics       Mild stroke (n = 12)  Moderate stroke (n = 10)  Severe stroke (n = 8)  P value
                Female sex                5                   6                    3               1.0
                BMI (kg/m )               25.3 (0.3)          26.5 (0.5)           26.9 (0.8)      0.045
                Age                       58.2 (6.2)          62.4 (10.8)          66.3 (6.3)      0.01
                Living condition
                  Lives alone             2                   1                    3               0.6
                  Lives with family       10                  9                    5
                Vascular risk factors
                  Hypertension            8                   9                    8               0.11
                  Hypercholesterolemia    8                   7                    7               0.6
                  Diabetes                3                   8                    7               0.02
                  Previous TIA            0                   2                    3               0.04
                  Current smoking         5                   4                    3               1.0
                  Ischemic heart disease  1                   1                    2               0.53
                  AF                      1                   2                    2               0.53
                  Low EF (< 35%)          1                   2                    3               0.25
                CHADS2 score
                  0-1                     10                  1                    2
                  ≥ 2                     2                   9                    6               0.01
                Bamford classification
                  TACS                    0                   3                    4               0.014
                  PACS                    3                   2                    1               0.6
                  PCS                     2                   3                    3               0.6
                  LS                      7                   2                    0               0.14
                MABP at admission         105.4 (8.8)         112 (9.2)            116 (7.8)       0.013
                CBG at admission          152.1 (8.2)         163.7 (11.8)         181.4 (10.1)    < 0.0001
                Home medications
                  Statins                 5                   5                    2               0.64
                  Antihypertensives       6                   5                    3               0.4
                  Anticoagulants          1                   2                    2               0.5
               P value-statistical analysis was performed on the NIHSS 0-4 and the NIHSS ≥ 16 groups. The univariate analysis in Table 1 identified that
               higher BMI and age, diabetes, previous TIA, CHADS2 score ≥ 2, occurrences of TACS, higher MABP and CBG at admission significantly
               contributed to the occurrence of severe stroke. Multiple logistic regression analyses identified that the presence of diabetes [adjusted
               OR, i.e., AOR (95% CI) = 16.20 (2.5-180.45), P = 0.025], CHADS2 ≥ 2 score [AOR = 14.8 (1.2-130.17), P = 0.02, and occurrence of TACS
               (AOR = infinity, P = 0.016) independently influenced the higher NIHSS scores (≥ 16). Six patients had cardioembolic stroke. EF: ejection
               fraction; MABP: mean arterial blood pressure; CBG: capillary blood glucose; BMI: body mass index; TIA: transient ischemic attack; TACS:
               total anterior circulation stroke; PCS: posterior circulation stroke; LS: lacunar stroke; AOR: adjusted odds ratio

               Table 2. Results of multivariate logistic regression analysis model for probability of unfavorable outcome (mRS score ≥ 2)
                Characteristics       mRS score ≥ 2 (n = 16)  OR (95% CI)        RR (95% CI)      P value
                Female sex (n = 14)          11              0.1636 (0.03-0.83)   0.47 (0.23-0.95)  0.032
                Hypertension                 15              6 (0.58-61.8)        1.3 (0.92-1.8)   0.15
                Hypercholesterolemia         12              1.2 (0.23-6.0)       1.05 (0.67-1.6)  1.0
                Diabetes                     10              1.25 (0.2-5.4)       1.09 (0.6-1.97)  1.0
                Previous TIA                 4               4.33 (0.4-44.4)      3.5 (0.44-27.7)  0.33
                Current smoking              9               4.7 (0.9-23.6)       2.6 (0.88-7.8)   0.07
                Ischemic heart disease                       0.85 (0.1-7.4)       0.87 (0.14-5.4)  1.0
                AF                           4               4.33 (0.4-44.4)      3.5 (0.44-27.7   0.33
                Low EF (< 35%)               6                                                     0.018
                CHADS2 score ≥ 2             13              10.83 (1.9-59.8)     2.84 (1.2-6.7)   0.008
                TACS                         7                                                     0.007
                PACS                         3               0.84 (1.4-5.07)      0.87 (0.2-3.65)  1
                PCS                          6               3.6 (0.59-21.9)      2.6 (0.62-10.9)  0.22
                LS                           2               0.14 (0.02-0.8)      0.25 (0.06-1.01)  0.045
               The mean (SD) age and BMI among patients with mRS score ≥ 2 and mRS score < 2 were 68.6 (7.4) years vs. 62.7 (8.2) years (P = 0.047)
               and 26.3 (0.7) kg/m  vs. 25.8 (0.5) kg/m  (P = 0.043). At admission, the mean (SD) MABPs and CBGs among patients with mRS score ≥
               2 and mRS score < 2 were 115.5 (5.9) mm of Hg vs. 110.4 (4.6) mm of Hg (P = 0.025) and 186.6 (29.8) mg/dL vs. 150.4 (14.6) mg/dL (P = 0.0003).
               Thus, the univariate analysis in Table 2 identified female sex, smoking, low EF, CHADS2 score ≥ 2, the occurrence of TACS, higher age
               and BMI and higher MABP and CBG at admission as predictors of mRS score ≥ 2. Patients with lacunar stroke had a significantly lower
               incidence of mRS score ≥ 2 (P = 0.045). Multivariate analysis identified low EF (AOR = infinity), CHADS2 score ≥ 2 [AOR = 11.1 (2.1-54.2),
               P = 0.009], and occurrence of TACS (AOR = infinity) to be independent predictors of mRS score ≥ 2. EF: ejection fraction; TACS: total
               anterior circulation stroke; PACS: partial anterior circulation stroke; PCS: posterior circulation stroke; LS: lacunar stroke
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