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Zhao et al.                                                                                                                                                             Developments in auxiliary examination of CJD

           and that of 14-3-3 protein was 70.4%.  The similar   the average  diffusion  of water molecules  from all
           DWI signal can also be observed in patients affected   directions-the greater MD measured, the more water
           by mitochondrial encephalomyopathy and toxic       molecules  unrestricted in the tissue. When there is
           encephalopathy such as mercury poisoning.          fiber loss causing the increase in extracellular space,
                                                              MD increases. When there is microstructural pathology
           The  majority  of sCJD  patients (80-90%)  have    like myelination defects in the fiber, FA decreases. DTI
           cortical abnormal hyperintensities on DWI, and the   can reflect dynamic microstructural changing in brain
           percentage of basal ganglia alterations is about 50-  tissue.  Previously, DTI was used to study pathology
           69%. [19,42]  Other studies on DWI showed a fewer   in neurodegenerative diseases such as  Alzheimer’s
           detection of increased signal in the thalamus of CJD   disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. [48,49]  Recently,
           patients. Thalamus involvement is more frequent in   advances have been made in DTI for CJD diagnosis.
           vCJD  and  VV2  subtype  of  sCJD  patients.  GSS  is   For  instance,  significant  decreases  have  been
           rarely abnormal in DWI.  A quantitative analysis of   observed in MD, but not FA, in the caudate and pulvinar
           apparent diffusion coefficient(ADC) value can display   of sCJD patients compared to other rapidly progressive
           slight  changes  in  the  thalamus  of  sCJD  patients   dementia patients and normal controls. Some studies
           although abnormal signal may not be found visually.   hypothesized  that the spongiform  changes  in CJD
           The DWI scan sequence of MRI shows high sensitivity   could restrict water molecule diffusion and lead to
           for  the  abnormal  hyperintensities  in  cerebral  cortex   decreased MD and a relative preservation of FA. [50,51]
           and basal ganglia, but none of the standard MRI    Along with the changing of DWI hyperintensity in the
           sequences reveal abnormal signal in cerebellum or   disease  course of CJD, MD decreases  in the early
           brain  stem  of  CJD  patients.  DWI  appears  sensitive   stage of disease and tends to be normal or increase
           to  the  restricted  diffusion  of  water  in  cortex  and   in the terminal stage. The increasing MD is associated
           basal ganglia but not in the cerebellum and brain   with  more  significant  loss  of  function.  Neuronal  loss
           stem.  The  abnormal  regions  may  be  unilateral  at   increases  water diffusion  and  augmentation  of MD
           the disease onset then bilateral with time. In some   measurement  in the late stages of CJD. In addition,
           cases the signal intensity decreases as the disease   the increased  size of micro-vacuolation  and their
           progresses. [40,43]  Hyperintensities can be observed on   coalescence  in end-stage of CJD might cause an
           DWI in early stage of sCJD when 14-3-3 protein and   increased  free  water  flow.   The DTI  test  is highly
           PSWCs are still negative. Recent study proposed that   sensitive,  but  not  very  specific. Therefore,  DTI  is  an
           the patients with abnormal DWI hyperintensities in   important tool for diagnosis, but alone is not sufficient
           basal ganglia lesion had shorter disease duration and   for a CJD diagnosis.
           higher  incidence  of  myoclonus. The  lower  apparent
           diffusion  coefficient  in  basal  ganglia  indicated  the   Magnetic resonance spectroscopy
           faster  presence  of  akinetic  mutism  and  a  shorter   Magnetic  resonance  spectroscopy  (MRS)  is  a
           disease course. [44]  However, others have not obtained   noninvasive examination that can quantitatively
           the same results. Contrary to other rapid dementias,   analyze  specific  atomic  nucleus  and  their  chemical
           sCJD patients manifest wider range of hyperintensity   components based on MRI technique and chemical
           on  DWI  than  on  FLAIR  sequence. [41]   The  area  of   shift. MRS displays the metabolism and biochemistry
           abnormal DWI hyperintensities are in accordance with   of pathological tissue in the form of spectrum. Proton
           clinical manifestation and the area of PSWCs. With the   magnetic resonance spectroscopy ( H-MRS) is the
           thorough researches on DWI, CJD diagnostic criteria   most widely applied MRS technique, which can
           are continuously updated.  The abnormal signal of   detect the resonance peak of more than twelve brain
           DWI was described as one of the diagnosis standards   metabolite and neurotransmitter like N-acetyl-aspartate
           officially  in  2009  (Zerr  et al. [18] ); Vitali  et al. [41]  and   (NAA),  creatine  (Cr), myo-inositol  (mI),  and  choline.
           Meissner et al. [45]  described the DWI hyperintensities   Currently,  H-MRS is mainly used to study metabolic
           in detail and proposed the MRI diagnostic criteria of   disorders of the CNS, tumors, and dementia disease.
           CJD in 2009 and 2011, respectively.                There have been very few studies on CJD although
                                                              MRS provides information on chemical metabolism.
           Diffusion tensor imaging
           Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a relatively new MRI   In  one  case  report  of  sCJD,  MRS  detected  marked
           scan  technique  that  reflects  the  diffusion  anisotropy   extensive decreased NAA, and displayed increased
           of water in cerebral white matter and the integrity of   myo-inositol/creatine ratio in basal  ganglia and the
           white  matter  fiber  tracts.   The fractional  anisotropy   insular cortex, along with slightly reduced choline/
           (FA)  image of  DTI  can visually display the structure   creatine  ratio.   Similarly,  other  case  studies
           of  white  matter  fiber.  Mean  diffusivity  (MD)  reflects   revealed decreased NAA in basal ganglia, thalamus
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