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            Sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease

            Yi Xing

            Department of Neurology, Xuan Wu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China.

                                      Dr. Yi Xing, Department of Neurology, Xuan Wu Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing 100050, China.
                                      Research interest: the effects of hormones and metabolism on the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative
                                      disorders, especially Alzheimer’s disease. Publications: eight SCI articles as the first author, including
                                      progress in Neurobiology, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, et al.

            Recently, Koran  et al.  published  an article,   risk of progression from mild cognitive impairment
            named “Sex differences in the association between   (MCI) to AD. A meta-analysis showed that the risk
            Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers and cognitive   of progression from MCI to AD is 1.33 fold higher in
            decline” in Brain Imaging and Behavior. The result   women than in men. [4]
            proved  that there were sex-specific associations
            between biomarkers of AD. This article added      The pathological changes of AD are characterized
            evidence to the theory of sex differences in AD.  by the deposition of extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) and
                                                              the presence of neurofibrillary tangles. Pathological
            Sex  difference is  a common  phenomenon  in      studies showed that females had more global AD
            AD  and  manifests  in  many  ways.  Females  are   pathology than males, especially for neurofibrillary
            disproportionately affected by AD. It is well known   tangles. More interestingly, females were more
            that females have higher prevalence of AD than    susceptible for AD  pathological changes. It was
            males. In China, for urban population, the AD     reported that 1 additional unit of AD pathology was
            prevalence in  male is  1.27%,  while in  female,  it   associated with a nearly 3-fold increase in the risk
            is  3.54%;  for rural  population,  this  difference is   of clinical AD in men; while for women, this odd
            even more dramatic: 1.95% in men  vs. 6.30% in    increased to 20-fold. [5]
            women.  However, sex differences in the incidence
            of AD are still inconsistent. Studies tend to show   Nowadays,  researchers seek  to observe brain
            that there are no sex differences in incidence of AD   pathological changes  in vivo, using magnetic
            until very late of age when females have the higher   resonance imaging (MRI), positron emission
            incidence.  However, females seem to have higher   tomography or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). More and
                                                              more studies on biomarkers of AD  are underway.
            Corresponding Author: Dr. Yi Xing, Department of   MRI is a common and convenient method to help
            Neurology, Xuan Wu Hospital, Capital Medical University,
            Beijing 100050, China. Email:
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                                                                How to cite this article: Xing Y. Sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease.
                                     DOI: 10.20517/2347-8659.2016.27  Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2016;3;165-6.
                                                                Received: 02-06-2016; Accepted: 02-06-2016.
            © 2016 Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation | Published by OAE Publishing Inc.               165
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