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Table 2: The substrates specificities of NEILs     and tissue specificity of NEIL2 suggest that it may
           Name Mono‑/   Base      Substrates specificity DNA  serve as a critical factor to maintain the integrity of
                 bifurcate                                    the genome lifelong.
           NEIL1 B       Pyrimidines/ Sp, Gh, DHT, DHU, Tg,  ssDNA/
                         purines   5‑OHC, 5‑OHU, 8‑oxoG,  dsDNA  NEIL3 expression patterns
                                   FapyG, and FapyA
           NEIL2 B       Pyrimidines/ Sp, Gh, DHT, DHU, Tg,  ssDNA/  Compared to NEIL1 and NEIL2, The NEIL3 has a very
                         purines   5‑OHC, 5‑OHU, and   dsDNA  distinct expression pattern. [18]  Among all the human
                                   8‑oxoG                     adult tissues, NEIL3 is only expressed at detectable
           NEIL3 M/B     Pyrimidines/ Sp, Gh, FapyG, and   ssDNA
                         purines   FapyA                      levels in the thymus and testis, which indicates that
           Sp: spiroiminodihydantoin; Gh: guanidinohydantoin; DHT: 5,6‑dihydrothymine;   NEIL3 might have a specialized function associated
           DHU: 5,6‑dihydrouracil; FapyG: 2,6‑diamino‑4‑hydroxy‑5‑formamidopyrimidine;   with proliferative capacity. Torisu et al., [27]  studied the
           FapyA: 4,6‑diamino‑5‑formamidopyrimidine; 5‑OHC: 5‑hydroxycytosine;
           5‑OHU: 5‑hydroxyruacil; Tg: thygly; 8‑oxoG: 8‑oxoguanine; ssDNA: single‑  expression level of NEIL3 in human but only found
           stranded DNA; dsDNA: double‑stranded DNA           NEIL3 expression in thymus. In mouse tissue, NEIL3
                                                              mRNA was expressed in thymus, spleen, and bone
           cortex region is age‑dependent and maximal in the   marrow. [27]  By developing NEIL3‑null mice, Torisu
           middle‑age. However, in the hippocampus, one of    found that NEIL3‑null mice looked healthy for at
           the neurogenic regions in the brain, mitochondrial   least 24 weeks after birth. Furthermore, NEIL3‑null
           NEIL1 is stable throughout a lifetime. By using a   male mice were viable and fertile. According to these
           5‑OHdU containing bubble substrate, Gredilla et al. [26]    findings, Torisu et al. [27]  concluded that NEIL3 was
           found that mitochondrial NEIL1 activity showed an   not required for maintenance of testis function but
           age‑related  change  in  the  cortex  with  a  significant   had a potential function in the development of the
           peak at middle‑age in the cortical region, but not in the   hemopoietic system. In the central nervous system,
           hippocampus where no significant change occurred   NEIL3 mRNA expression has been investigated in
           during  the  lifespan.  The  distinct  age‑dependent,   different brain areas of human adults by Northern
           subcellular‑ and tissue‑distribution suggests that the   blot hybridization. [24]  NEIL3 could not be detected
           role of NEIL1 is strongly connected to site‑specific   in any brain region of adult humans. In contrast, by
           conditions.                                        studying the expression of NEIL3 in mouse brain
                                                              during postnatal development, NEIL3 transcripts can
           In conclusion, the widespread expression of NEIL1in   be observed in the subventricular zone (SVZ), hilus
           mammals demonstrated its unique role in the        of the hippocampal formation, the rostral migratory
           maintenance of gene integrity.                     stream, and the Purkinje cell of the cerebellum in P3
                                                              mice brain. In 1‑month‑old mouse brain, the NEIL3
           NEIL2 expression patterns                          was detected in layer V of the neocortex and only in a
           By using Northern analysis, NEIL2 was found to have   few cells in the SVZ and in the 1‑year‑old brain only
           the  highest  expression  in  the  skeletal  muscle  and   in layer V of the neocortex. These results indicate that
           testis, moderate expression levels in the brain and   the expression of NEIL3 declines with age, and it is
           heart and a very low level expression in placenta, lung,   selectively expressed in brain regions associated with
           liver, kidney, and pancreas. [17]  The same study also   neurogenesis. NEIL3 expression has also been detected
           showed that NEIL2 mRNA level did not significantly   in regions rich in neurogenesis in the embryonic
           change through the cell cycle and that NEIL2 was   brain [28]  and in two recent studies NEIL3‑null models
           predominantly mitochondrially localized. [17]  NEIL2   showed a decreased differentiation potential of neural
           expression had also been detected in embryonic,    stem cells. [29,30]  NEIL3‑null mice showed learning and
           neonatal,  and adult  rat brain  and  the  expression   memory deficits and reduced anxiety‑like behavior,
           level increased 1.5‑2.5‑fold in the mature rat brain   and synaptic irregularities in hippocampal neurons. [31]
           compared to the embryonic brain, which is the same   All together, these results suggest that NEIL3 may have
           as NEIL1. [25]  In the human brain, NEIL2 showed a   a specific role in neurogenesis in the central nervous
           widespread expression pattern in accordance with   system.
           OGG1, NTH1, and NEIL1.   [24]  Rolseth  et  al. [24]  also
           found that NEIIL2 had a similar expression pattern   The NEIL3 has been shown to be highly expressed in
           as NEIL1 by detecting expression of NEIL2 in mouse   many tumor tissues, which supports the notion that
           brain during postnatal development, but with a slightly   NEIL3 might be associated with proliferation capacity. [32‑34]
           increased expression with age. In summary, NEIL2
           has a widespread expression pattern in human and   Regarding the subcellular localization of NEIL3,
           rodent and the subcellular localization of NEIL2 is in   two studies have consistently found that NEIL3 is
           mitochondria and in the nucleus. This distribution   expressed in the cell nucleus. [18,27]  Two additional

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