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Review Article

           The endonuclease VIII-like proteins: new targets

           in the treatment of ischemic stroke?

           Long‑Xiu Yang , Wei Wang , Xiao Zhang , Qi Zhu , Qing Zhao , Gang Zhao 2
           1 Department of Neurology, The First Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, Guangxi, China.
           2 Department of Neurology, Xijing Hospital, The Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi, China.
           3 Department of Microbiology, University of Oslo, N‑0424 Oslo, Norway.
                                                   ABSTRA CT
            Oxidative deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) damage is one of the major causes of neuronal injury in ischemia. The endonuclease
            VIII‑like (NEIL) DNA glycosylases have a specific role in recognition and removal of oxidative DNA damage. The NEIL family
            includes NEIL1, NEIL2, and NEIL3, that differ in substrate specificity, catalytic efficiency, and subcellular/tissue distribution.
            This opens for a situation‑dependent phenotype in their absence. In this review, we will discuss the current knowledge on the
            involvement of the NEILs in ischemic stroke and discuss the potential of these enzymes to serve as new targets in the treatment
            of ischemic stroke.

            Key words: Endonuclease VIII‑like proteins, ischemic stroke, targets

           INTRODUCTION                                       DNA damage can trigger cell death after the trauma,
                                                              especially in neurons which are more susceptible
           According to the World Health Organization health   to damage than astrocytes.  Accumulated cell loss
           report,  stroke  is  the  leading  cause  of  disability  in   will gradually contribute to disease progression
           adults and accounts for 5.5 million deaths worldwide,   and eventually lead to poor prognosis in ischemic
           equivalent to 9.6% of all deaths.  Ischemic stroke is   stroke.  Maintaining genome integrity is essential
           the most common type of stroke, accounting for about   for cell survival and  the  main  DNA  repair system
           87% of all stroke events.  Oxidative stress, which   for repairing oxidative DNA damage is base excision
           is a disturbance in the oxidant‑antioxidant balance   repair (BER).  However, the exact impact of BER is
           leading to the potential cellular damage, is widely   still not fully understood, as most studies have been
           recognized as one of the major factors contributing to   performed in models where BER is either present
           the pathophysiologic progressing of the brain in an   or absent. As it is well known that unbalanced BER
           ischemic stroke.  Oxidative stress is also known to   is detrimental to the cell, one might speculate that
           play a role as a vital factor of ischemia reperfusion,   suppressing full activation after ischemic insult could
           which is one of the pathological events after ischemic   be beneficial to restore cell. It should be remembered
           brain.  Oxidative stress not only could lead to    that the killing period occurs after the stroke, during
           structural changes of the proteins which can cause   reperfusion when repair process is expected to be
           the loss of biological activity, but also create oxidative   maximal. The DNA repairing capacity of BER may
           deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) lesions in addition to   affect the survival rate of neurons and change the
           damage to other cellular constituents.  Oxidative   pathological outcome of ischemic stroke.
           Corresponding Author: Prof. Gang Zhao,             BER is initiated by DNA glycosylases that recognize
           Department of Neurology, Xijing Hospital, The Fourth Military   and excise the damaged bases of DNA. [10]  Depending
           Medical University, No. 169, Changle West Road,
           Xi’an 710032, Shaanxi, China.                      on the type of lesion the BER pathway is initiated
                                                              This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
                                                              Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 3.0 License, which allows
                          Access this article online          others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as the
               Quick Response Code:                           author is credited and the new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
                                    Website:                  For reprints contact:
                                                               Cite this article as: Yang LX, Wang W, Zhang X, Zhu Q, Zhao Q, Zhao G.
                                    DOI:                       The endonuclease VIII-like proteins: new targets in the treatment of ischemic
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.167308   stroke?. Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation 2015;2:281-6.
                                                               Received: 24-04-2015; Accepted: 21-08-2015

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