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resulting in reduced secretion of tumor necrosis   Neuroexcitotoxicity
           factor‑alpha, NO, and interleukin‑1 beta in LPS‑treated   Glutamate excitotoxicity has been hypothesized to have
           BV2 cells, a murine microglia cell line.  Furthermore,   a role in AD pathogenesis. Dysfunction of glutamate
           donepezil may inhibit neuronal death and cognitive decline   transporters has been implicated in this pathway. [50]  It
           by repressing oligomeric Aβ‑triggered inflammatory   has been reported that hippocampal excitatory amino
           pathways in microglia. [35]  Thus, donepezil‑mediated   acid transporter 1 (EAAT1) and EAAT2 expression is
           attenuation of the release of inflammatory mediators   significantly reduced in AD, [49]  further reinforcing the
           may result from inhibition of protein expression of   notion of a deficit in glutamate clearance in AD brain.
           proinflammatory molecules.                         In addition to uptake defects, the abnormal release of
                                                              glutamate from vesicle stores has been implicated as
           The cholinergic pathway has been shown to exert    a source of excess extracellular glutamate in AD. [51]
           anti‑inflammatory effects on several diseases such   Excessive activation of glutamate receptors leads
           as  rheumatoid  arthritis, [36]   inflammatory  bowel   to a number of deleterious consequences including
           disease, [37]  sepsis, [38]  and cardiovascular diseases. [39]    impairment of calcium buffering, generation of
           On the other hand, nAChR has been shown to possess   free radicals, and activation of the mitochondrial
           anti‑inflammatory properties in macrophages, [40]  and   permeability transition that results in release of
           the activation of  α7‑nAChR significantly inhibits   apoptogenic proteins into the cytosol, where they
           the production of proinflammatory cytokines. [41]  It   trigger caspase‑dependent apoptosis or promote
           has  been  demonstrated  that  AChEI  treatment  may   autophagy. [52]
           favor a Th2‑mediated immune response by activating
           B‑lymphocytes and increasing immunoglobulin        We and others have demonstrated that Aβ inhibits
           production. [42]  Galantamine‑enhanced microglial Aβ   glutamate uptake in rat cortical synaptosomes, cultured
           phagocytosis to promote Aβ clearance requires the   cells, and acute brain slices.  These findings are
           combined action of an ACh competitive agonist and   also consistent with an intracerebroventricular
           the allosterically potentiating ligand for nAChRs. [43]    injection of Aβ into rat brain, which causes a rapid
           Furthermore, plasma anti‑Aβ   antibody levels in AD   increase in interstitial fluid glutamate levels without
           patients were found to be significantly increased after   altering gamma‑aminobutyric acid or aspartate. [53]  The
           AChEI treatment, [44]  thus suggesting that increasing the   hydrophobic Aβ oligomers may bind principally to
           endogenous response against Aβ might provide new   membrane lipids, and thereby, secondarily interrupt
           insights for AD therapy. Recently, several promising   the structure and function of synaptic transmembrane
           studies have been conducted in phase II and phase   transporters  (glutamate transporters), leading to
           III trials using active and passive immunotherapies,   increases in extracellular glutamate concentration.
           respectively. [45]
                                                              Activation of extrasynaptic receptors
           GLUTAMATERGIC SYSTEM                               Electron microscopic studies have shown that most
                                                              plasmalemma receptors are extrasynaptically located,
           Glutamate is one of the most prominent             whereas only 1‑2% of cell membrane receptors are
           neurotransmitters in the body. It is present in over 50%   located at synaptic sites in the hippocampus. [54]  Thus,
           of the nervous tissue. [46]  It plays a prominent role   the chemicals distribute in the extracellular fluid
           in a variety of brain functions including synaptic   and bind preferentially to these vastly extrasynaptic
           transmission,  neuronal  growth  and  differentiation,   receptors. Extrasynaptic NMDARs, that is, receptors
           synaptic plasticity, learning and memory, and other   that are not activated during low‑frequency synaptic
           cognitive functions.                               events, can  be  found  at various  locations,  such as
                                                              the cell body, the dendritic shaft, the neck of the
           The role of the glutamatergic system is to convert   dendritic spine, and adjacent to the postsynaptic
           nerve impulses into a chemical stimulus by controlling   density. It has been found that synaptic NMDAR
           the concentration of glutamate at the synapse. It is   activity is extremely important for neuronal survival,
           well‑accepted that LTP induction triggers the NMDAR,   whereas the extrasynaptic NMDARs are coupled
           and therefore, activates the AMPA receptor in the CA1   to cell death pathways. [55]  Using both whole‑cell
           region. [47,48]  NMDAR activation allows Ca  to enter   recording  and  Fluo‑4  calcium  measurements,  we
           the postsynaptic cell, which subsequently triggers   confirmed that Aβ rapidly and significantly increases
           a number of kinase pathways and increases protein   extrasynaptic NMDA responses. Soluble Aβ oligomers
           transcription. This process strengthens synapses   activate extrasynaptic NR2B‑containing NMDARs,
           and increases synaptic density, thus allowing fast   thus increasing downstream calpain signaling and
           adaptations of network activity which are critical for   p38 mitogen‑activated protein kinase activity.
           information processing. [49]                       Several studies have demonstrated that selective

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