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Synaptic loss is one of the pathological hallmarks of AD   the  nAChR,  facilitating  LTP  induction. [21]   Selective
           and the best correlate of cognitive decline [10,11]  suggesting   depletion of medial septum cholinergic neurons caused
           that it is a critical event in the pathophysiology of   LTP impairment and glutamatergic synaptic current
           the disease. Several factors such as Aβ production,   alteration in the hippocampus. [22]
           cholinergic dysfunction, NFT accumulation,
           inflammatory agents, oxidative stress, mitochondrial   Glutamatergic effect
           dysfunction, glutamate‑mediated excitotoxicity, and   The facilitation of LTP by mAChR activation is thought
           genetic components are reported to be involved in   to be mediated by enhancement of synaptic NMDAR
           the pathogenesis.  Proposed explanations for the   activity either by direct alteration of NMDAR channels
           pathophysiology  of  AD  include  the  cholinergic   or by induction of Ca   release from endoplasmic
           hypothesis, [11]  the soluble Aβ oligomers hypothesis, [12]    reticulum stores. [23]  The mAChRs also inhibit a variety
           and the tau hypothesis. [12,13]                    of potassium channels including small conductance
                                                              calcium‑activated KCa2 channels  (SK channels). [24]
           CHOLINERGIC SYSTEM                                 Therefore, mAChR activation might induce a parallel
                                                              long‑term enhancement of both α‑amino‑3‑hydrox
           Acetylcholine (ACh) is widely distributed in the nervous   y‑5‑methyl‑4‑isoxazolepropionic  acid  (AMPA)  and
           system and plays a critical role in cerebral cortical   NMDAR‑mediated transmission. [25]
           development, cortical activity, and learning and memory
           processes. Cholinergic neurons in the brainstem and   It has been reported that chronic nicotine administration
           basal forebrain project axons to many areas of the brain.   and in vitro acute nicotine treatment increases ACh
           All functions of the cholinergic system are controlled   release  and  enhances  NMDAR  responses  in  the
           by the interaction of ACh with two families of receptors:   hippocampus. [26]  One potential mechanism is that
           muscarinic ACh receptors (mAChRs) and nicotinic ACh   nicotine acts at presynaptic nAChRs to increase
           receptors (nAChRs). [14]                           glutamate release onto postsynaptic NMDARs.   [27]
                                                              The activation of nAChRs causes Ca  entry through
           Hippocampal cholinergic activity contributes to memory  receptor channels, which can trigger Ca   release
           Many studies have shown that hippocampal‑dependent   from intracellular stores. [28]  Multiple lines of evidence
           learning is associated with an increase in hippocampal   also suggest that nicotine could act to ameliorate
           ACh levels; thus, the elevation of extracellular   hippocampal‑based learning deficits associated with
           ACh is thought to reflect hippocampal‑dependent    changes in NMDAR function. [29]  Consistent with these
           memory processes. [15]  Several behavioral studies   studies, pretreatment with AChE inhibitors has been
           have demonstrated that lesion‑induced damage to    found  to  protect  cortical  neurons  from  glutamate
           cholinergic activity in the basal forebrain and its   neurotoxicity in a time‑ and dose‑dependent manner
           projections to the neocortex induced learning and   through activation of nAChR. [30]
           memory deficits. [16]  Pharmacological experiments have
           further confirmed that cholinergic receptor agonists   Anti‑inflammatory effect
           and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs) reduce   The deposition of Aβ is the result of an imbalance
           the severity of cognitive dysfunction, [17]  whereas   between Aβ production and clearance. This imbalance
           anticholinergic drugs cause learning and memory    leads to a situation of chronic inflammation in the
           deficits in both animal and humans. [18]  Antagonists of   brain. Aβ deposition contributes to the activation of
           mAChRs such as scopolamine, impair the encoding    astrocytes and microglia, and induces the production
           of new memories in animal models of learning       of a series of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines,
           and memory and produce cognitive impairment in     macrophage  inflammatory  proteins,  leukotrienes,
           humans. [15]                                       reactive oxygen species, and nitric oxide (NO). [3,31,32]
                                                              The neuroinflammatory cytokines may not only
           It has been found that pharmacological activation of   contribute to neuronal death, but they might also
           mAChRs or nAChRs produces an LTP‑like increase     influence classical neurodegenerative pathways such
           in synaptic transmission in the hippocampal CA1    as amyloid precursor protein (APP) processing and tau
           region.  Blockade of the presynaptic inhibitory M2/M4   phosphorylation.
           subtype of mAChRs by methoctramine increased ACh
           levels, and elicited a pharmacological LTP  that shares   A growing body of studies using donepezil has
           a similar mechanism with tetanus‑induced LTP. [20]  In   shown that donepezil does not function solely at the
           accordance, both the endogenous release of ACh in vivo   level of ACh, but also has potent anti‑inflammatory
           and the exogenous application of mAChR agonists    effects in AD patients, a tauopathy mouse model and
           in vitro facilitate the induction of LTP. [14]  Increasing   lipopolysaccharide (LPS)‑treated animals.  Donepezil
           endogenously released ACh specifically activates   inhibits proinflammatory gene expression directly

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