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function in such patients showed contradictory results.   Table 1: Demographic, clinical and laboratory
           Some reported memory difficulties and other cognitive   characteristics of the studied groups
           dysfunction [17‑21]  and electroencephalographic (EEG)   Demographic and clinical   Patients   Control   P
           abnormalities. [22‑24]  In contrast, others reported lack of   characteristics  (n = 20)   subjects
           neuropsychological impairments, normal intelligence,   Male/female           4/16    (n = 20) (%)  ‑
           attention, memory and motor performance with        Age (years)              16‑50     20‑50     ‑
           MG. [25‑27]                                                               28.45 ± 8.89  30.22 ± 5.76 0.380
                                                               Duration of illness (years)  1‑4     ‑       ‑
                                                                                      3.52 ± 1.15
           The exact mechanisms of the co‑morbid cognitive     Clinical grade
           dysfunction in patients with MG are unknown. The     I                        0          ‑       ‑
           most likely suggested mechanism is central cholinergic   IIa/IIb             2/10        ‑       ‑
           deficiency due to the involvement of central neuronal   IIIa/IIIb             8/0        ‑ ‑     ‑ ‑
           nAChRs and other cholinergic nervous systems         V                        0          ‑       ‑
           and pathways by the immune‑mediated processes       Thymic pathology
           of MG. [20,28‑30]  However, controversial views suggest   Normal             5 (25)      ‑ ‑     ‑ ‑
                                                                                        8 (40)
           that the co‑morbid nervous system manifestations     Thymoma                 7 (35)      ‑       ‑
           with MG may result from nonspecific mechanisms      Previous treatment (single or
           as complications of MG, which include respiratory   combination of the followings)  20 (100)  ‑  ‑
                                                                Acetyl choline esterase
           impairment, sleep apnea and hypoxia, [31‑33]  mental   inhibitors
           fatigue, [26,27,34]  adverse effects from medications used   Prednisolone   20 (100)     ‑       ‑
           for treatment of MG and mood disorder. [35,36]       Azathioprine            8 (40)      ‑ ‑     ‑ ‑
                                                                                        9 (45)
                                                                Thymectomy              7 (25)      ‑       ‑
           This study aimed to investigate cognitive function in   Data are expressed as range, mean ± SD, n (%). SD: standard deviation
           adults with mild/moderate MG. Cognitive functions
           were assessed using a battery of sensitive psychometric   they were free of clinical manifestations  (i.e.  after
           testing in addition to recording event‑related     resolution of active stage of the disease for at least
           potentials  (ERPs), a neurophysiological analog of   3 months) and were on maintenance treatment with
           cognitive function.                                low doses of AChE‑Is and/or steroids. Twenty healthy
                                                              subjects matched for age, sex and socioeconomic status
           METHODS                                            were included in this study for statistical comparisons.
                                                              Control subjects were recruited from the general
           Subjects                                           population. This study was accepted by the regional
           This study included 20 patients (males = 6, females = 14)   Ethical Committee. Detailed information on the study
           diagnosed clinically and electrophysiologically as MG.   was given to all patients, and control subjects, and all
           Their age ranged from 16 to 50 years, and duration   gave their written consent to attend the study.
           of illness ranged from 1 to 4 years. Clinical grading
           of  the  patients  was  done  based  on  the  medical,   We excluded subjects  (patients and controls)
           scientific advisory board of MG Foundation of America   with:  (1) respiratory involvement or in
           classification. [37]  Patients grading was based on their   crisis  (i.e. severe stages of the disease);  (2) history
           histories and diagnoses shown in their medical     of other primary neurological  (e.g.  transient
           records. Patients reported histories of weakness   ischemic attacks, cerebrovascular stroke or
           of ocular muscles  (ptosis)  (class  I), of mild and   epilepsy), psychiatric  (e.g.  major depression) or
           predominant weakness of the limb muscles (class II a)   medical (e.g. diabetes mellitus) diseases which are known
           or oropharyngeal muscles (class II b), or with moderate   to affect cognition; (3) previous serious head injury; (4)
           and predominant weakness of the limb muscles (class III   any sensory or motor disorder that would preclude
           a). Before the presentation, all patients were treated   psychological testing (as blindness or deafness); and (5)
           with AChE‑Is (pyridostigmine bromide or mestinon   regular treatment with medications (other than those
           in a dose of 60 mg/4 h during the daytime and 60 mg   used for treatment of MG) which may alter cognitive
           at night time), immunotherapy with prednisolone    testing  (e.g.  as benzodiazepines, beta‑adrenoceptor
           and/or  azathioprine  (imuran)  or  plasmapharesis.   antagonists, major tranquillizers and antidepressants).
           Thymectomies were performed to the seven patients
           with thymoma. Table 1 shows the demographic and    Electroencephalographic recording
           clinical characteristics of the studied group. Patients   Electroencephalographic  was  done  using  the  eight
           were recruited from the Out‑patient Clinic of the   channels Nihon Kohden machine (4217), employing
           Department of Neurology, Assiut University Hospital,   scalp electrodes placed according to the international
           Assiut, Egypt during their follow‑up visits in which   10‑20 system with bipolar and referential montages.

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