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Microbiome Research Reports

           C O NT E NT S

           Topic: Bioinformatics Applied to Microbiota-based Science

           1      A tool to assess the mock community samples in 16S rRNA gene-based microbiota profiling studies
                   Sudarshan A. Shetty, Jolanda Kool, Susana Fuentes
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2023;2:14

           2      MEGAnnotator2: a pipeline for the assembly and annotation of microbial genomes
                   Gabriele Andrea Lugli, Federico Fontana, Chiara Tarracchini, Christian Milani, Leonardo Mancabelli,
                   Francesca Turroni, Marco Ventura
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2023;2:15

           3      Connect the dots: sketching out microbiome interactions through networking approaches
                   Marco Fabbrini, Daniel Scicchitano, Marco Candela, Silvia Turroni, Simone Rampelli
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2023;2:25

           4      Comparison of k-mer-based de novo comparative metagenomic tools and approaches
                   Alise Jany Ponsero, Matthew Miller, Bonnie Louise Hurwitz
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2023;2:27

           5      Yeast metagenomics: analytical challenges in the analysis of the eukaryotic microbiome
                   Sonia Renzi, Stefano Nenciarini, Giovanni Bacci, Duccio Cavalieri
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2024;3:2

           6      Saponin treatment for eukaryotic DNA depletion alters the microbial DNA profiles by reducing the
                   abundance of Gram-negative bacteria in metagenomics analyses
                   Giulia Longhi, Chiara Argentini, Federico Fontana, Chiara Tarracchini, Leonardo Mancabelli, Gabriele
                   Andrea Lugli, Giulia Alessandri, Edith Lahner, Giulia Pivetta, Francesca Turroni, Marco Ventura,
                   Christian Milani
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2024;3:4

           7      An exploratory in silico analysis of bacteriocin gene clusters in the urobiome
                   Jennifer Jones, Craig P. Murphy, Roy D. Sleator, Eamonn P. Culligan
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2024;3:24

           8      MetaBIDx: a new computational approach to bacteria identification in microbiomes
                   Diem-Trang Pham, Vinhthuy Phan
                    Microbiome Res Rep 2024;3:25

                        Microbiome Research Reports                                                       III
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