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Dezawa                                                                                                                                                                            Education of endoscopic spine surgery

           and  Minimally  Invasive  Spine  Surgery  (JESMISS)   Conflicts of interest
           established  in 1999 and changed  the name with    There are no conflicts of interest.
           Japanese Society of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
           (JASMISS)  in  2015.  JESMISS  has  been  making   Patient consent
           efforts to implement training with the use of pigs for
           coping  with  the  qualification  system.  In  the  field  of   Written informed  consent  was obtained  from the
           orthopedic surgery,  5  in vitro  training sessions on   patient.
           spinal  endoscopy  were  officially  provided,  beginning
           with the 14th Arthroscopy Seminar in July 1996, and an   Ethics approval
           in vivo training session was provided during the First   This article is approved by the Ethical Committee of
           Endoscopic  Spinal  Surgery  Seminar  in  September   Teikyo University Mizonokuchi Hospital.
           1997. To date, 14 JASMISS training sessions and 13
           JOA training sessions have been provided, involving a   REFERENCES
           total of 1,020 participants [Figure 1].
                                                              1.   Dezawa A. Current status of surgical skill qualification system. J Jan
           CONCLUSION                                            Endosc Surg 2003;8:115-21.
           This system is designed  to provide  accreditation   2.   Dezawa  A.  Spine  endoscopic  surgical  skill  qualification  system
           of  sufficient  skills  to  surgeons  for  the  purpose  of   of Japanese  Orthopedic  Association.  In: Dezawa  A, Shinomiya  K,
                                                                 editors. Endoscopic Spine Surgery. Tokyo: Nankodo; 2007. p. 6-12.
           facilitating  endoscopic  spinal surgery  progress  in an   3.   Konno S. Current status of endoscopic spine surgery-incident cases of
           appropriate direction. We believe that this system will   annual report 2014-. J Jpn Orthop Assoc 2016;90:41-7.
           ensure the provision of safe and reliable endoscopic   4.   Matsumoto M. Current status of endoscopic spine surgery-incident
           spinal surgery.                                       cases of annual report 2007-. J Jpn Orthop Assoc 2009;83:56-61.
                                                              5.   Matsuda T, Ono Y, Terachi T, Naito S, Baba S, Miki T, Hirao Y,
           Authors’contributions                                 Okuyama  A.  The  endoscopic  surgical  skill  qualification  system
           A. Dezawa contributed solely to this paper.           in urological  laparoscopy: a  novel  system in  Japan.  J Urol
           Financial support and sponsorship                  6.   Tanigawa N, Lee SW, Kimura T, Mori T, Uyama I, Nomura E, Okuda
                                                                 J, Konishi F. The Endoscopic Surgical Skill Qualification System for
           None.                                                 gastricsurgeryin Japan. Asian J Endosc Surg 2011;4:112-5.

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