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Dezawa                                                                                                                                                                            Education of endoscopic spine surgery

           the sound spread and progress of endoscopic spinal   arising  from this form of surgery has tended to rise
           surgery in Japan. [2]                              annually (from 66 cases in 2005 to 361 cases in 2014).
                                                              However, the mean incidence  of complications  per
           COURSE AND METHODS OF                              year has  remained essentially unchanged  at  2.4%
           QUALIFICATION AND RESULTS                          (1.57-2.81%) [Table 1]. [3,4]

           Qualification procedures for skills are as follows. First,   PRINCIPLE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF
           the applicant, satisfying the requirements for filing an   ENDOSCOPIC SPINAL SURGERY SKILL
           application for skill qualification, submits the necessary   QUALIFICATION SYSTEM
           documents and an unedited videotape. On the basis of
           the submitted materials, the skill of each application is   It  loses trust  of  the whole endoscopic surgery that
           assessed by multiple referees (referee committee on   complications of the endoscopic surgery in the field of
           surgical skill qualification). Assessments are based on   spine  increase, serving  as a major  obstacle  slowing
           scoring of each checked item (full score: 100 per item).  and even blocking  advances  in endoscopic  surgery
                                                              at all related specialties. This is a serious problem for
           During assessment  of  the  videotape, if  one referee   all  surgeons  involved  in  endoscopic  surgery.  Every
           raises an objection, another referee or all members   time such complications  arise, citizens, the mass
           of the referee committee conduct further evaluations.   media and governmental organs begin arguing about
           If two or more referees raise objections, the applicant   the necessity of establishing  an educational  system
           is  automatically  judged  to  be  “unacceptable”  for   and  a  qualification  assessment  organization/system
           qualification. The referee qualification must be updated   for endoscopic surgeons. The JOA rules on the skill
           every  fifth  year.  Each  referee  applying  for  renewal   qualification system were drafted taking this viewpoint
           of  the  referee  qualification  has  several  obligations,   into account. The rules are based on two principles: (1)
           including submission of a certificate of clinical activity   the system is aimed at accrediting endoscopic spinal
           for 5 consecutive years.                           surgeons  with  sufficient  skills  through  assessment
                                                              in accordance  with high-level  standards; and (2) the
           The first application from surgeons for skill qualification   system is aimed at evaluating  the skill level of only
           under  this system was received in December  2004.   surgeons engaged in endoscopic spinal surgery and
           Through  strict assessment  of the documents,  DVD   is not based  on the specialist  surgeon  system set
           and videotape submitted, on April 1, 2005, 6 surgeons   forth by the specialist  surgeon accreditation  council.
           were accredited as to the anterior approach skill and   The  significance  of  establishing  this  qualification
           18 surgeons as to the posterior approach. [2]      system lies in: (1) the endoscopic spinal surgeon’s skill
                                                              qualification  in  accordance  with  high-level  standards
           We  sent  a  questionnaire to  facilities registered with   makes endoscopic spinal surgeons more acceptable
           JOA in advance  as spine  surgery special  hospital.    to the public and raises their value; (2) an increase in
           During the period from 2005 to 2014, responses to the   the  number  of  qualified  surgeons  and  their  activities
           questionnaire were collected from 1,148 facilities per   will  operate favorably  as a mechanism  to mitigate
           year on average. The mean response rate was 56.4%   Table1: Changes over time from 2004 to 2015 in the
           (45.2-63.9%).                                      number of applicants for skill qualification and the
                                                              percentage of successfully qualified applicants
           The number of facilities providing endoscopic surgery   Year Board certified surgeon Applicant Success ratio (%)
           averaged 262.9 (208-297), with the mean percentage
           being 24.8% (20.3-27.3%).                          2004          24            30          80
                                                              2005          8             14          53
           Under  this  qualification  system,  167  surgeons  were   2006  14            30          45
           qualified in terms of endoscopic surgical skill between   2007   17            31          55
           2004  and  2015.  The  posterior  approach  skill  (MED,   2008  14            31          45
           PELD)  qualification  was  obtained  by  165  surgeons   2009    13            32          41
           (MED: 141, PELD: 24) and the anterior approach skill   2010      13            26          50
           qualification by 2 surgeons [Table 1].             2011          15            30          50

                                                              2012          14            30          47
           The  mean  percentage  of  applicants  who  qualified
           successfully  was 50.6% (39.1-80%)  after video    2013          20            35          57
           assessments.  Following  the  recent  increase  in   2014        16            27          59
           endoscopic  surgery,  the number of  complications   2015        15            32          47
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