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Page 6 of 9                                                                                   Kitamura et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2022;6:44

                          Table 2. Summary of systemic reviews and meta-analyses comparing MSA vs. LF

                                               Included               Follow-up       GERD-      PPI                      Endoscopic                                                           MSA         MSA
                          References     Year               MSA/LF                                            Dysphagia                    Belching     Vomiting     Gas bloat Reoperation
                                               studies                (months)        HRQL       cessation                dilation                                                             erosion     removal
                          Chen et al.    2017 4             299/325 6-12              -          ND           ND          ND               ND           ND           RR: 0.71     ND           -           -
                                                                                                                                                                     P = 0.02

                          Skubleny       2017 3             415/273   7-16            -          ND           ND          ND               95.2 MSA     93.5% vs.    ND           -            -           -
                          et al.                                                                                                           65.9% LF     49.5%
                                                                                                                                           P < 0.00001  P < 0.0001
                          Aiolfi et al.  2018 7             686/525 6-12              ND         ND           -           ND               OR: 5.53     OR: 10.10    OR: 0.39     ND           -           -
                                                                                                                                           95%CI: 3.73- 95%CI: 5.33- 95%CI:
                                                                                                                                           8.19         19.15        0.25-0.61
                                                                                                                                           P < 0.001    P < 0.001    P < 0.001

                          Guidozzi       2019 19*           632/467 6-44              ND         ND           ND          -                OR: 12.34    -            OR: 0.34     ND           0.30%       3.30%
                          et al.                                                                                                           95%CI: 6.43-              95CI: 0.16-
                                                                                                                                           23.7                      0.71

                          *This study pooled data from 6 comparative studies and 13 single-cohort studies. P-values are listed when reported for significant differences in reported symptoms. LF: Laparoscopic fundoplication; GERD-HRQL:
                          gastroesophageal reflux disease-health-related quality of life; PPI: proton-pump inhibitor; MSA: magnetic sphincter augmentation; ND: no difference; OR: odd’s ratio; RR: relative risk.

                          Dysphagia, device explantation, and erosion
                          There is data to support the safety and efficacy of MSA with acceptable risk. Intraoperative complications are 0.1%, explantation of 1.1 to 6.7%, and erosion of

                          0.1 to 1.2%. There are no reported deaths .

                          The most common adverse effect is dysphagia in the immediate postoperative period, which is 43% to 83%. Persistent dysphagia may occur in up to 19% of
                          patients, but the majority will resolve within three months, while few will require endoscopic dilation                [28,29] .

                          Endoscopic dilation is effective in 67% to 76.9% of patients with persistent dysphagia . This may be due to non-standardization of whether the crural repair is
                          performed, which may vary between reported studies. One would expect, with newer studies incorporating larger hiatal hernias and complicated reflux cases,
                          rates of postoperative dysphagia may rise        [20,30] . When reoperation was necessary, a crural closure was noted to be the culprit in one case and symptoms resolved
                          when the crural repair was redone . Richards and McRae laparoscopically explored two patients and found the MSA device was encapsulated in scar tissue,
                          preventing expansion . Capsulotomy was performed and the dysphagia subsequently resolved.

                          Device explantation has been reported rarely in patients with persistent GERD or dysphagia. In those instances, device removal has been uncomplicated and
                          completed in a single stage. Conversion to fundoplication is done successfully and authors feel relatively easy given the limited dissection needed for MSA                           [13,23] .
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