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Nawrat. Mini-invasive Surg 2020;4:28 I Page 11 of 16
In the near future, technical devices, entirely artificial organs and robots will be used to secure tissue
therapy and genetic therapy. The integration of engineering and biology is a fact.
Thanks to bioengineering and medicine, today we can influence the survival of certain individuals and
entire groups of patients.
With the harmonious development of technical and biological sciences and their reasonable
implementation, and the quality of life on Earth.
Artificial intelligence is part of this evolution. Since it is an element of management at the level of organs
and organisms, such medical procedures on the body will require hospital or state management and we
must introduce ethical criteria agreed by all people.
AI - towards greater efficiency, permanent improvement and credibility
The popularization of telecommunications and the Internet is a good example of democratization and
equal access to human achievements. We all can, rich or poor, in America and Africa, in the city or in the
countryside, have access to Google search engines and data collected in public libraries around the world.
Just as we can check the weather, because we supervise data from various places around the world, we will
be able to supervise our body condition - as long as we are able to collect relevant data from all organs
of our body. This is the future of “lab on chip”. But today, by collecting data from our health records, we
can make better decisions about caring for our health. By analyzing diagnostic data, we can make better
decisions about invasive medical intervention, but for now the mediator is a person - the doctor. Soon,
however, we will be giving the next decision to robots (communication of devices without the mediation
of a human as a decision maker) and no one is surprised today when the door in front of us opens
automatically. I am convinced that it will be a good time for humans, their health and safety, and we will be
able to develop our skills and activities in completely new directions.
In the case of legal responsibility, it is worth looking for an analogy to obtain adequate social support.
Computer advisory programs, decision systems and autonomous robots operate either on 1) the basis of
transparent algorithms linking the cause and observation with effect and decision, or 2) on the basis of
machine and deep learning - AI. In the former, we can conclude that the rules of operation are legible to
the professional user (e.g., doctor) and the beneficiary, the client (e.g., patient) and the right of informed
consent can be introduced. If the system of performing tasks, producing a council or a specific medical act
does not take into account the absolute safety of the patient but other factors like economics (e.g., whether
the client has paid for the service or is insured) then it is a matter of rules that we know perfectly well from
the operation of health services. If someone introduces a virus and changes the system in a way that poses
a danger, we already have (?) ways that are working such as criminal law. However, if the system works
on the basis of machine learning, it is a completely new type of relationship where the client is the robot.
First, we have an analogy: generally, neither the teacher nor the professor or the father is responsible for
the student’s deeds although in each case they are in a teacher-student relationship. Similar to the teaching
process of students by introducing a different learning system, we can obtain a good or bad AI program/
robot. It can make right or wrong decisions based on the data and save or kill a patient. No one is able to
check how it works without starting the system because there are no readable rules inside. Just like looking
into the human brain, by itself it is difficult (?) to assess whether it belongs to a surgeon or a shopkeeper.
Our only option, as well as the system of training doctors and their acquisition of specialties entitling
practice of the profession, will be to test and assess the effectiveness of autonomous robots, and to make
sure that no computer virus destroys learning outcomes! Then we free robots from responsibility, just as
we free specialists from responsibility, believing that he does the best, in a world where the end result is
never obvious and certain. Just like man, AI does not have all the data to “solve the equation of life” for the