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Figure 2. Selected elements of the history of the Robin Heart surgical robot, which was creat-ed in the FRK in a team led by the author
simulation and modeling of heart surgery by creating data on the hemodynamic effects of surgery
performed in a given way [15-19] . Figure 2 shows examples that demonstrate the achievements of the FRK
within the scope of 1-3 of the AI implementation plan for MIS.
AI and ethics
Text based on The Ethics of Artificial Organs in Implant Expert by Zbigniew Nawrat, with permission.
I believe ethics to be the art of making the right choices. And modern medicine, with its new medical
techniques, healthcare systems and financing schemes, creates a completely new area of insecurity in this
regard. For ages, philosophers have been analyzing issues connected with man-vs.-man and man-vs.-the
world relations in order to help us comprehend the reality and find the correct conduct.
The term “ethics” comes from the Greek word ethicos, meaning a way of conduct accepted in society, a
conduct according to the legal character (ethoscharacter). Today, “ethics” is colloquially understood as
“morality”, although the Latin word moralis denotes judgement of the appropriateness of a given action,
more so than a person’s character.
The use of AI and robotics in the treatment process facilitates remote medical care, consultations and
the monitoring of a patient’s condition. It is therefore a chance for greater availability and the quality of
medical services. AI and robots are a breakthrough in infrastructure, organization of the operating theatre,
and in the specialist training of surgeons. But how do we evaluate a wrong decision or action of a doctor
from a distance? How do we divide the responsibility for mistakes of remote robotic devices? The access to
information depends on technical resources such as software, etc. Therefore, the final effect is influenced by
a number of people - engineers, administrators and economists, etc. as well as fortuitous events. Ethics and
morality assume human-to-human contact. Our conscience and empathy work differently in the absence of
a direct connection between our actions and their effect on others.
The technological progress in biomedical engineering and regenerative medicine constitute the basis for
innovative artificial organs which are adequately small, efficient, durable and energetically and mechanically
A new generation of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems is entering medicine. The fast development
of bioelectromechanical microsystems (bioMEMS), micropumps and bioinformatics has created new
possibilities such as the “lab on a chip” micro-laboratory, which are revolutionizing diagnostics and therapy.