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Page 2 of 3                                              Jones. Mini-invasive Surg 2021;5:4  I
               For lower weights, endoscopic therapy is evolving. Mlabasati et al.  at BIDMC shared lessons learned
               setting up an Endoscopic Bariatric multidisciplinary program to provide intragastric balloon and endo
               plication for obesity. Dr. Aurora Pryor  reviewed the endoscopic approaches to treating complications of
               bariatric surgery. She noted a 4%-10% complication rate in the first month after bariatric surgery. She went
               on to describe endoscopic treatments for complications of bleeding, strictures, ulcer, reflux, and weight
               regain. With endoscopic techniques of injection, clipping, stents, balloons, and Stretta, the endoscope is a
               valuable adjunct to providing comprehensive care.

               Long-term complications of malabsorption may include vitamin deficiency such as vitamin B12, iron,
               vitamin D, calcium, and folate. Çalapkorur and Küçükkatirci  from Nevsehir, Turkey described each
               deficiency in detail. This review is a must read for all providers caring for postoperative bariatric surgery
               patients. Vitamin deficiencies, such as in thiamine, if go unrecognized, can lead to serious and irreversible
               neurological problems. Early identification and early treatment are crucial.

               The sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) are the most commonly performed weight
               loss operations in the world. Fontan et al.  stated they prefer RYGB for patients with gastro-esophageal
               reflux disease (GERD). However, other procedures such as the one anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB)
               have been growing in popularity despite the concern for bile reflux. The Paris Descartes Faculty of Medicine
               studied reflux, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal cancer . They shared their findings and concluded that
               the OAGB operation appears to be safe in an animal model.

               The devil is in the details with any operation. Aktokmakyan et al.  from Istanbul, Turkey reviewed the
               technical steps to a perfect sleeve gastrectomy. They cited the literature including the 5th International
               Consensus Conference. Their paper includes high resolution intraoperative photographs. While I also
               use a 36 fr Bougie to size my sleeve, I disagree that the anastomosis must be checked by methylene blue
               or endoscopy. I also no longer place a drain. Today, many providers utilize an ERAS protocol that limits
               narcotics and shortens hospital stay.

               Fewer than 1% of the patients who meet criteria for weight loss surgery actually have an operation. Aly et al.
               from Boston Medical Center reviewed psychological, social, and cultural barriers to seeking treatment and
               getting care.

               The Special Issue “Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery” covers the essentials of technique and perioperative
               care. The Special Issue is also the first to report the use of intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP)  during sleeve
               gastrectomy and complication of patulous eustachian tube (PET)  after sleeve gastrectomy.
               Bariatric surgeons have known for a long time that metabolic operations reverse many comorbid
               conditions. Society is learning that obesity and related conditions may be life-threatening and metabolic
               operations lifesaving in the era of COVID-19.

               Authors’ contributions
               The author contributed solely to the article.

               Availability of data and materials
               Not applicable.

               Financial support and sponsorship
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