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Page 4 of 8               Lesch et al. Mini-invasive Surg 2023;7:20

               Table 1. Nomination system
                                    Abbreviation             Meaning
                Tissue              B:                       Bovine tissue
                                    P:                       Porcine tissue
                Test bench settings  120 /150 /180 /210 /240  Maximum pressure in mmHg
                Cover plate         sO                       Square opening, A = 256 cm
                                    cO                       Circular opening, A = 490 cm 2
                Defect              IN                       Incision 15 cm
                                    DC5                      Defect circular 5 cm
                                    INDC5                    Incision + defect circular
                Materials           MM 20 /1                 Monomax  USP 2-0 or 1
                                    PDS 20                   PDS  USP 2-0
                Technical details   SBu                      Small-stitch-small-bite unstandardized suturing
                                    SBs                      Small-stitch-small-bite standardized suturing
                                    LBu                      Large-stitch-large-bite unstandardized suturing
                                    LBs                      Large-stitch-large-bite standardized suturing

               investigated further influencing circumstances such as the standardization of the suture, a different suture
               material, an additional defect, a larger impact area, or a lower peak pressure.

               Figure 1 illustrates the comparison of unstandardized Small-Bite stitches vs. Large Bite stitches performed
               with a USP 2/0 or USP 1 Monomax suture, closing midline incisions (ES 1 + 2, 5 + 6). 100% durability was
               obtained in all series, regardless of the stitch spacing, thread thickness, and tissue type.

               The durability drops by 10%-50% when adding a circular defect into the incision and using the cover plate
               with the larger opening. We used a standardized small-stitch-small-bite technique with USP 2/0 Monomax ®
               or PDS sutures.

               The standardized small-bite Monomax  suture (triangles) provided secure closure in 9 out of 10 experiments
               [Figure 2]. It showed a 50% higher likelihood of secure closure (LOSC) (P = 0.064) than the PDS suture

               Series 11-13 and series 14 + 15 had the same experimental setup, with a peak pressure of 210 mmHg or 180
               mmHg. 30%-40% of the sutures held securely when exposed to 210 mmHg [Figure 3]. When the peak
               pressure lowers by 30 mmHg, the LOSC rises by 20%-30%. Figure 4 the upper and lower graph show
               differences in the durability between 200 and 400 DIS impacts due to the stochastic nature of the process.
               The graphs converge at 425 impacts. This demonstrates the reproducibility of the process with 425
               impacts .

               The bench test we used allows the simulation of everyday loads on the abdominal wall. According to
               modern biomechanics, the tissue and reconstruction need to be considered and assessed as a compound.

               The durability of a suture closure does not solely depend on the accurate execution of one specific factor.
               The interplay of the individual influencing factors determines the outcome of the suture closure of the
               abdominal wall. This applies to any experimental and clinical setting. It is the base of the existing GRIP/
               CRIP concept [19,20] . The standardized suture, used in ES 9 - 15, provides an instruction for secure suture
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