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Yang Training system of PELD in China
Pain and Minimal Invasive Technique was established system to guide the training facilities and to make
in 2016 and provided a new communication platform sure only qualified doctors perform PELD.
for all kind of doctors who performed PELD technique.
Although progress has been achieved, short-term
training programs were still not enough for attendees Authors’ contributions
to start practicing PELD. Even after a couple of training D.H. Yang contributed solely to the paper.
classes, many doctors were hesitant to undertake their Financial support and sponsorship
first operation. This reason can be summed up by the
Chinese expression: “easy when watching and hard None.
while doing”. In the future, the training system should Conflicts of interest
focus on “hands on” practice in the operating room.
There are no conflicts of interest.
The PELD technique has become more and more Patient consent
widely accepted by doctors and patients. New
indications for the procedure include: spinal canal Not applicable.
stenosis, infections, and tumors. In addition, new Ethics approval
instruments have been developed. Systematic Not applicable.
training or re-training of surgeons is necessary. First,
the trainees need to be classified according their REFERENCES
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Strict rules should be applied to standard certification Chinese). [Last accessed on 6 Jul 2017]
108 Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ September 30