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            Special Issue

            Immunotherapy as a new hope against solid tumors

            Guest Editor:                     Special Issue Introduction
            Dr. Francesco Perri               The immune system is able to defend us against both pathogens and cancer.
                                              Immune response against cancer cells is very complex, and it can be divided
            Medical Oncology Unit, POC
                                              into three phases, such as: the innate immune response; the activation of
            SS Annunziata, Taranto, Italy.
                                              specic T-cells against cancer and the killing of tumour cells made by the above
            Email:                            mentioned T-cells.
  ;       On the basis of these ndings, it is easy to understand that strengthen the
         immune response against tumour cells may be an incisive strategy of therapy.
                                              Several immunotherapy approaches have been proposed over the years,
                                              however all of them have a common characteristic: the possibility to obtain a
                                              class of T-cytotoxic lymphocytes able to attack the tumor.
                                              Immunotherapy strategies that have been developed over the years may be
                                              briey divided in ve categories: 1) direct administration of immunogenic tumour
                                              antigens; 2) providing DC pulsed with specic tumour antigens; 3) providing
                                              specic T-Cells, pulsed with immunogenic tumour antigens; 4) administering
                                              cytokines able to activate T-Cells against tumour cells, 5) modifying the
                                              microenviromnent in which the T-Cells mature, removing all the stimuli able to
                                              induce T-Cells anergy.
                                              The history of immunotherapy starts with the administration of prototypes of
                                              cancer vaccines, such as the Coley toxin and ends with the discover of the last
                                              generation checkpoint inhibitors.
                                              Aim of our special issue is to review the importance and the clinical applications
                                              of several strategies of immunotherapy against solid tumors.

                                                Rigorous mechanism in peer review: one manuscript must be reviewed by at
                                                least two relevant experts. We will endeavour to ensure high standards for the
                                                review process and subsequent publication by a team of efcient and
                                                professional reviewers and scientic editors.
                                                No publication fee: there would be absolutely no charge for publication.
                                                Rapid publication: we will do our best to ensure that accepted papers will be
                                                published rapidly with a high quality.
                                                Open Access: As an author you will retain the copyright to your work. By
                                                licensing your work under the Creative Commons Attribution License, articles
                                                can be re-used and re-distributed without restriction, as long as the original
                                                work is correctly cited.
                                                Wide promotions: Published articles will be promoted at academic
                                                conferences, through social networks for scientists and relevant indexing

                                              245 E Main Street ste122, Alhambra, CA 91801, USA;
                                              Tel:+1 323 9987086;  journal/special_issues
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