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Casas-Alba et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2022;6:322-32  Page 328

               Proteomics and metabolomics
               The analysis of proteins and the proteome can provide information about the activity, interaction, location,
               and composition of protein complexes of clinical interest. On the other hand, metabolomic profiles have
               been used as biomarkers for disease progression and response to treatment, and they are now applied in
               diagnostics to determine the functional consequences of a given VUS. Mass spectrometry is the most widely
               used platform in proteomics and metabolomics. Proteomics is the quantitative and qualitative analysis of
               the entire set of proteins in a given specimen, generally to identify proteins that are consistently modified or
               present at abnormal concentrations in specific disorders . Proteomic strategies have been applied to
               investigate the pathophysiology of metabolic disorders, such as methylmalonic acidemia [48,49] . Metabolomics
               is the quantitative and qualitative analysis of all metabolites derived from sugars, lipids, proteins, and
               nucleic acids in a given specimen . The most successful application of targeted metabolomics analysis is
               the newborn screening of inborn errors of metabolism . Overall, significant work needs to be done to
               implement proteomics or metabolomics in the untargeted study of patients with URDs in routine clinical

               One of the main challenges for genetic diagnosis using NGS is the interpretation of the pathogenicity of
               variants, particularly when the phenotype is a source of uncertainty (e.g., reduced penetrance and variable
               expressivity) or when a variant is classified as VUS or localizes in a yet-to-be-discovered disease gene.
               Indeed, during the analysis and interpretation of NGS data in a particular patient, the probability of
               detecting a VUS is higher than the probability of detecting a pathogenic variant . The ACMG has
               elaborated standards and guidelines to classify genetic variants into five criteria-based categories using
               different types of variant evidence (e.g., population data, computational data, functional data, and
               segregation data) . In addition, certain bioinformatic tools facilitate the classification process (e.g.,
               A v a i l a b l e   f r o m :   V a r s o m e ,   h t t p s : / / v a r s o m e . c o m / ;   F r a n k l i n ,   A v a i l a b l e   f r o m :
     ; CADD, Available from:, but each
               geneticist must provide specific knowledge to be able to classify a certain variant . Sometimes, segregation
               studies can clear up doubts, but those variants that are not reclassified remain as VUS until further studies
               allow their pathogenicity to be determined.

               In silico prediction of the pathogenicity of a VUS can be improved with several tools such as literature
               review and data mining, pathogenicity predictors, and 3D protein modeling . After that, functional
               genomics can be used for the validation of the genetic variant through molecular and cellular experiments
               (e.g., subcellular localization studies, expression levels, and specific studies related to protein function) [13,54] .
               At Sant Joan de Déu (SJD) Hospital and Research Institute, we developed the in-house Translational
               Diagnostics Program (TDP) to functionally validate both candidate VUS and variants found in patients
               with phenotype-genotype incongruity [13,55] . The TDP uses different tools of experimental and computational
               biology to analyze VUS and determine the function and possible pathophysiological alteration of the
               encoded protein. The objective is to delineate the impact of VUS by combining four stages including the in-
               depth and precision phenotyping with functional genomics, for the validation of the genetic variant through
               molecular and cellular experiments. Using this pipeline in RDs patients, we can assist the process of
               reclassifying variants concerning a patient’s phenotype and improve the diagnostic deficit.

               In recent years, the greater integration of genomic science and medicine has made it possible to explore
               other strategies to achieve the diagnosis of patients or to define new genes as responsible for the disease. The
               director’s board of the ACMG released a position statement on how responsible sharing of genomic variant
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