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Jiang et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2021;5:323-40  Page 329

               Table 2. Vital signaling pathways and their potential oncogenic mechanisms and target significance in NKTCL
                The        Potential
                alterations of   hallmark/signaling   Role in pathogenic   Ref.  Potential treatment   Ref.
                human      pathways        mechanism of lymphoma           significance
                                                                       [13]                             [49
                Signaling   JAK/STAT       Aberrant activity via   Huang et al.     JAK3 inhibitor: tofacitinib   Bouchekioua et al.
                Pathways                   mutations or abnormal   Song et al. [45]    inhibited the growth of cell    ]
                                           phosphorylation     Bouchekioua et   lines        Koo et al.
                                                               al. [49]    CP-690550 restrained   Sim et al. [51]
                                                                           growth and invasion of   Nairismägi et al.
                                                                           tumor cells
                                                                           PRN371 apparently
                                                                           inhibited proliferation of
                                                                           NKTCL cells
                                                                           STAT3 inhibitor: stattic
                                                                           inhibited malignant growth
                                                                           advantage in vitro
                           NK-κB           Dysregulated and LMP1   Ng et al. [29]    NF-κB has critical   N/A
                                           induces eIF4E, survivin, and   Huang et al.     biological implications in
                                           PD-L1 via NK-κB pathway,   Sun et al. [54]    NKTCL and targeting the
                                           which may contribute to   Sun et al.     pathway might bring
                                           NKTCL progression   Bi et al. [56]  potent clinical value
                                                                       [13]                         [13]
                           PGDF            PDGFRα is overexpressed in   Huang et al.  Imatinib mesylate, a   Huang et al.
                                           NKTCL, and the actual           PDGFR inhibitor, has a
                                           oncogenic sense needs to        limit effect on cell growth
                                           disclose                        in vitro
                           AKT/mTOR        Abnormally activated and   Kawada et al. [59]  mTOR inhibitors:   Kawada et al. [59]
                                           promotes cell growth            Rapamycin suppressed
                                                                           mTOR activity and limited
                                                                           cell proliferation in vitro
                                                                           CCI-779 inhibited tumor
                                                                           growth in vivo and in vitro
                           MAPK            MYC/MAP3K6 pathway is a   Xiong et al.  N/A       N/A
                                           characteristic manifestation of
                                           MB subtype NKTCL
                           AURKA           Upregulated and may   Iqbal et al. [58]  AURKA inhibitor MK-  Iqbal et al. [58]
                                           accelerate neoplasm cell        8745 inhibits proliferation
                                           proliferation                   and cell cycle regulation
                                                                      [58]                         [58]
                           NOTCH           Upregulated and plays a role in  Iqbal et al.  NOTCH inhibitors potently  Iqbal et al.
                                           development of neoplasm         inhibit NK-lymphoma cell
               NKTCL: Extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma; JAK/STAT: Janus kinase/signal transduction and activator of transcription; JAK3: Janus kinase
               3; STAT3: signal transduction and activator of transcription 3; NK-κB: nuclear factor kappaB; LMP1: latent membrane protein 1; eIF4E: eukaryotic
               translation initiation factor 4E; PDL1: programmed death ligand-1; PGDF: platelet-derived growth factor; PDGFRα: platelet-derived growth factor
               receptor alpha; PDGFR: platelet-derived growth factor receptor; AKT/mTOR: protein kinase B /mechanistic target of rapamycin; MAPK: mitogen-
               activated protein kinase; MYC/MAP3K6: bHLH transcription factor /mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 6; MB: one molecular
               subtype of extranodal natural killer/T cell lymphoma that was divided based on MGA mutation and 1p22.1/BRDT loss of heterozygosity; AURKA:
               aurora kinase A.

               hypermethylation (16/27, 59%) or monoallelic gene deletion (8/27, 30%), PTPRK expression is frequently
               downregulated in NKTCL, which is thought to promote constitutive activation of STAT3 and mediate the
               inhibition of cells proliferation, invasion, and migration. Similarly, demethylation reagent 5-aza-2’-
               deoxycytidine-induced PTPRK re-expression confirms the aberrant epigenetic changes of PTPRK in
               NKTCL . PTPRK may be a potential target of NKTCL epigenetic therapy. Whether its promoter
               methylation and pSTAT3 level can be used as biomarkers for diagnosis or prognosis of NKTCL needs
               further exploration.

               HACE1, the novel E3 ubiquitin ligase mapping to the deletion region of 6q21 chromosome, inhibits cell
               cycle progression via regulating the degradation of cyclin D1. As a tumor suppressor gene, it has been found
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