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Page 348                            Genvigir et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2020;4:320-55  I

             Ref.   [27]    [22]     [75]

             Clinical outcomes   No association of IMPDH2 variants  with leukopenia or time to leukopenia   IMPDH2 rs11706052 C allele was  associated with reduced risk of AR   No association of IMPDH2 variant with   BMI change

            Immunosuppressive   regimen  One-year follow-up  Cyclosporine Tacrolimus  One-year follow-up  Five-year follow-up

                 MMF  Tacrolimus  Cyclosporine  Sirolimus  Corticosteroids   MMF  Sirolimus  Corticosteroids  MMF  Cyclosporine  Tacrolimus  Corticosteroids

                 284 pediatric and young   adult patients (USA)   145 adult patients (Brazil)  190 adult patients  (Poland) AR: acute rejection; AUC: area under the concentration-time curve; BMI: body mass index; CMV cytomegalovirus; EC-MPS: enteric-coated mycophenolate sodium; MMF: mycophenolate mofetil;  Study [13] . Likewise both rs2278294 and rs2278293 polymorphisms were not associated with leukopenia or anemia in adult patients from the Dominos Study  within six mont

             Study design  Retrospective (Case-  control), multicenter  Retrospective   (Case-control)  Prospective  susceptibility to CMV and other infections in adult kidney recipients on MMF therapy from the Apomygre and FDCC studies [72] .  from Poland, and found an association of the rs2278294 G allele with slower BMI gain over five years post-transplantation.

             Allele frequency  rs11706052 C: -  rs4974081 G: -  rs11706052 C: 11%  rs11706052 C: 8%  IMPDH2 rs11706052 A>G (c.819 + 10T>C) also known as 3757T>C [70] .

                                                  MPA: mycophenolyc acid

             Gene                                             found.                  IMPDH2
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68