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Webb et al. J Transl Genet Genom 2020;4:71-80  I                                                   Page 75

               Table 2. Clinical phenotypes of mt-ARS disorders
                      Mutation          OMIM   Main organ(s)                                            #
               Gene    type  Inheritance  phenotype  affected   OMIM Phenotype        Age at onset  PMID
               AARS2    SNV   Recessive  614096  Heart    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy  Infancy    21549344
               AARS2    SNV   Recessive  615889  Brain, ovaries  Progressive leukoencephalopathy with  Childhood-adulthood 2480803
                                                          ovarian failure
               CARS2    SNV   Recessive  616672  Brain, muscle  Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Neonatal-childhood  25361775
                                                          deficiency, 27
               DARS2    SNV   Recessive  611105  Brain    Leukoencephalopathy with brainstem   Childhood-adulthood 17384640
                                                          and spinal cord involvement and lactate
               EARS2    SNV   Recessive  614924  Brain    Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Infancy  22492562
                                                          deficiency, 12
               FARS2    SNV   Recessive  614946  Brain    Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Infancy  22499341
                                                          deficiency, 14
               FARS2    SNV   Recessive  617046  Bran     Spastic paraplegia 77, autosomal   Infancy-childhood  26553276
               HARS2    SNV   Recessive  614926  Cochlea, ovaries Perrault syndrome, 2  Childhood-adulthood 21464306
               IARS2    SNV   Recessive  616007  Brain, bone, eyes Cataracts, growth hormone deficiency,  Infancy  25130867
                                                          sensory neuropathy, sensiorineural
                                                          hearing loss, and skeletal dysplasia
               LARS2    SNV   Recessive  615300  Cochlea, ovaries Perrault syndrome, 4  Childhood-adulthood 23541342
               LARS2    SNV   Recessive  617021  Brain, blood  Hydrops, lactic acidosis, and   Neonatal   26537577
                                                          sideroblastic anemia
               MARS2    CNV   Recessive  611390  Brain    Spastic ataxia 3, autosomal recessive  Childhood-adulthood 22448145
               MARS2    SNV   Recessive  616430  Brain, muscle  Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Infancy  25754315
                                                          deficiency, 25
               NARS2    SNV   Recessive  616239  Brain, muscle,   Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Infancy   25385316
                                               cochlea    deficiency, 24
               NARS2    SNV   Recessive  618434  Cochlea   Deafness, autosomal recessive 94  Infancy  25807530
               PARS2    SNV   Recessive  618437  Brain    Epilepetic encephalopathy, early   Neonatal-infancy  25629079
                                                          infantile, 75
               RARS2    SNV   Recessive  611523  Brain    Pontocerebellar hypoplasia, type 6  Infancy-childhood  17847012
               SARS2    SNV   Recessive  613845  Kidney   Tubulopathy (hyperuricemia, metabolic  Infancy  21255763
                                                          alkalosis), pulmonary hypertension,
                                                          and progressive renal failure (HUPRA
               TARS2    SNV   Recessive  615918  Brain, muscle  Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Neonatal  24827421
                                                          deficiency, 21
               VARS2    SNV   Recessive  615917  Brain, muscle  Combined oxidative phosphorylation   Infancy  25058219
                                                          deficiency, 20
               WARS2    SNV   Recessive  617710  Brain, muscle  Neurodevelopmental disorder,   Infancy  28236339
                                                          mitochondria, with abnormal
                                                          movements and lactic acidosis, with or
                                                          without seizures
               YARS2    SNV   Recessive  613561  Muscle, blood  MLASA               Infancy-childhood  20598274
               GARS*    SNV   Dominant  601472  Nerves    Charcot Marie Tooth disease, type 2D  Adulthood  12690580
               GARS*    SNV   Dominant  600794  Nerves    Neuronopathy, distal hereditary motor,  Adulthood  12690580
                                                          type VA
               GARS*    SNV   Recessive  N/A   Brain, heart  Cardiomyopathy or growth retardation  Neonatal-childhood  25058219;
                                                          and complex neurological presentation   24669931;
               KARS*    SNV   Recessive  613641  Nerves   Charcot Marie Tooth disease, recessive  Childhood   20920668
                                                          intermediate, B
               KARS*    SNV   Recessive  613916  Cochlea  Deafness, autosomal recessive 89  Infancy-childhood  23768514
               mt-ARS: mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases; MLASA: myopathy, lactic acidosis, and sideroblastic anemia; SNV: single nucleotide
               variation; CNV: copy number variation; HUPRA: Hyperuricemia, pulmonary hypertension, renal failure, and alkalosis. *GARS and KARS
               function in both the cytosol and mitochondria;  seminal works highlighted including first reports of a gene causing human disease as well
               as key reports of new phenotypes. References: OMIM (https:/

               mt-ARS disorders each display strikingly specific clinical phenotypes with specific tissue involvement
               [Table 2] [17,20,21] . Most frequently, mt-ARS disorders display central nervous system involvement, but
               additional organ systems are specifically involved in certain disorders, such as ovaries in the case of HARS2
               and LARS2 or kidney in the case of SARS2 [Table 2] [22-24] . Additionally, age of onset is highly variable for the
               various mt-ARS disorders. The molecular mechanisms behind this selective tissue involvement and disease
               phenotype for specific mt-ARS disorders are currently poorly understood.
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