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Page 124 of 139           Clédel et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:119­39  I

                                                Table 1. Table of resilience definitions
                                                 Definition orientation
                 Reference            Events    System    Service   Resilience  Goal
                                      handling  stability  delivery  capacities
                 Ayyub [27]         ✓                                        Preparation, adaption, resistance, recovery
                 Dinh et al.  [29]  ✓                                        Fast post-event recovery
                 Haimes  [28]       ✓                                        Acceptable degradation, time, and costs
                 Vugrinet al.  [26]  ✓                                       Reduction of the performance level deviation
                 Werner  [13]       ✓                                        Psychological and social adaptation
                 Hollnagel  [3]     ✓                                        Recover from disturbances at an early stage
                 Hale and Heijer  [30]  ✓                                    Managing activities, anticipation of threats
                 Leveson et al.  [31]  ✓                                     Prevent/adapt to maintain a system property
                 Sundström and Hollnagel  [32]  ✓                            Ability to adjust in a long time period
                 Wreathall  [18]    ✓                                        Continuity of operations during/after a mishap
                 Mauthe et al.  [2]  ✓                                       Same level of functionality in case of changes
                 McDonald  [17]               ✓                              Stability and integrity of core processes
                 Rieger  [16]                 ✓                              State awareness and operational normalcy
                 Wreathall  [18]              ✓                              Keeping or quick recovery of a stable state
                 Arghandeh et al.  [25]                 ✓                    Continuity of electricity flow
                 Clark and Zonouz  [24]                 ✓                    Service delivery and guarantee of recovery
                 Sterbenz et al.  [21]                  ✓                    Maintenance of an acceptable level of service
                 Thompson et al.  [33]                  ✓                    Maintenance of security state
                 Francis and Bekera  [15]               ✓         ✓          Continuity of normal service function
                 Holling  [11]                                    ✓          Population survival
                 Wei and Ji  [34]                                 ✓          Incidents handling

               mal amplitude of disruptions that can be tolerated. To buffering capacities, Woods specified a need for margin
               and tolerance assessments that determine how closely and how well a system is currently running near to its
               performance boundaries.

               Moreover, resilience is not directly associated with a capacity to absorb and mitigate incidents [22,36] . However,
               a need for diversity is specified as it prevent vulnerabilities to become a single point of failure. This diversity
               manages the vulnerabilities of components to incidents by the use of different components and processes for
               similar functions, but it should also consider the exposition of components and processes to these incidents
               with geographic or topological dispersion for example. Dinh et al. [29]  decomposed absorbability into two
               complementary properties. The first property is flexibility and can be considered as a synonym of stability in
               the cited article, as it consists in maintaining the system production variation into a desired range while inputs
               are changing slightly. The second property is controllability and indicates how easily a system can be brought
               in a desired state.

               3.2. Adaptability
               Adaptability [26] ,alsoknownasflexibility [35] ,is“thedegreetowhichthesystemiscapableofself-reorganization
               for recovery of system performance” and is described as “the ability to replace component or input with an-
               other” or the “system’s ability to restructure itself” to face changes and external pressures. While this descrip-
               tion could be associated with diversity, which is more commonly interpreted as part of absorbability, adapt-
               ability is also concerned with changing the system structure, policies, and priorities to mitigate the impact of
               a disruption.

               Some works refer to adaptability as evolvability [22,36] . It represents the ability of a system to “accommodate
               changes” by upgrading itself with new functions or technologies during design and implementation phases or
               by dynamically adjusting its behavior or its architecture to face operational faults and attacks. Moreover, in [30] ,
               the authors affirmed that resilience has to be continuously kept up-to-date as it can disappear or be ineffective
               against specific threats.

               One possible adaptive mechanism is the use of safe mode controls. It consists in using simple but extremely
               reliable systems that prevent critical failures [20] . Safe mode depends on few input sources such as Earth’s
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