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Calderoni et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:106-18  I                                            Page 111

               Table 2. NT4H2421Gx command set
                Category                 Command                Class                  Description
                Basic r/w functionalities  ISOSelectFile    ISO/IEC 7816-4     Select MF, DF or EF
                                     ISOReadBinary          ISO/IEC 7816-4     Read data from a data file (EF)
                                     ISOReadBinary          ISO/IEC 7816-4     Write data to a data file (EF)
                                     ReadData               Proprietary        Read data from a data file (EF)
                                     WriteData              Proprietary        Write data to a data file (EF)
                Authentication       AuthenticateEV2First   Proprietary        Perform AES three-pass authentication
                                     AuthenticateEV2NonFirst  Proprietary      Perform AES three-pass authentication
                                     AuthenticateLRPFirst   Proprietary Proprietary  Perform LRP three-pass authentication
                                     AuthenticateLRPNonFirst                   Perform LRP three-pass authentication
                Key management       GetKeyVersion          Proprietary        Get version of the specified key
                                     ChangeKey              Proprietary        Update key, version and reset counters
                Digital signature    Read_Sig               Proprietary        Get the tag digital signature
                Metadata management  GetVersion             Proprietary        Get tag metadata (UID, producer)
                                     GetCardUID             Proprietary        Get the unique 7-byte tag UID
                                     GetFileCounters        Proprietary        Get the SDM read counter
                                     GetFileSettings        Proprietary        Get file metadata (access rights, SDM)
                                     ChangeFileSettings     Proprietary        Set file metadata (access rights, SDM)
                                     SetConfiguration       Proprietary        Set tag mode (LRP, random ID)
               MF: master file; DF: dedicated file; EF: elementary file; LRP: leakage-resilient primitive; SDM: secure dynamic messaging; UID: unique tag
               identifier; AES: advanced encryption standard

               Table 3. Comparison of three NXP tags designed for the IoT domain
                Tag type    NDEF   Secure messaging  SDM  Random ID  Digital Sig.  Authentication Memory access protection
                NT4H2421Gx    √         √          √       √         √          √              √
                NTAG21x       √         ×          ×       ×         √          ×              √
                NTAG210μ      ×         ×          ×       ×         √          ×              ×
               IoT: internet of things; SDM: secure dynamic messaging

               NTAG21x is protected by the same digital signature principle, while it relies on a different, weaker elliptic
               curve, which produces a 32-byte signature. NDEF and memory access protection are provided as well,
               while, for the latter, access is granted on a 32-bit password basis instead of the more reliable AES-128
               authentication. The other features are not provided by this tag.

               Concerning the last type, NTAG210μ does not provide any of the listed features, apart from the 32-byte
               digital signature.

               Finally, none of the tags provides strong protection against chip cloning attacks. Concerning NT4H2421Gx,
               while a cloning attempt is not straightforward, since it implies that the malicious party needs to learn
               the AES originality keys, it is not impossible. Further considerations on the subject are provided in the
               “Discussion” section.

               3 RESULTS
               To effectively check the tag properties and some of its core functionalities, we designed a mobile application
               on the basis of Android OS, which uses the NFC sensor of the smartphone as a tag reader. The customized
               NT4H2421Gx tag was provided by lab51 srl.

               In this section, we exemplified some of the APDU commands executed by the mobile application, and we
               stressed the digital signature verification process, as it represents the more reliable feature in relation to
               anti-forging. In the following, the content of each command and each response is proposed in hexadecimal

               First of all, DF was selected through the standard ISOSelectFile command (see Table 2 for reference).
               Subsequently, the GetVersion command was addressed to acquire some basic information on the tag
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