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Page 38 Kim et al. J Surveill Secur Saf 2020;1:34-60 I
Figure 3. DNS architecture. DNS: Domain Name System; gTLD: general Top Level Domain
nameserver from the Root name server.
(4) The Root name server sends back the IP address of the .com name server as a response.
(5) Using this IP address, the recursive DNS Resolver requests the IP address of the SLD nameserver from
the .com name server.
(6) The .com name server sends back the IP address of the name server as a response.
(7) With the IP address, the recursive DNS Resolver requests the IP address for from the name server.
(8) The name server sends back the own IP address of to the recursive DNS
(9) The recursive DNS resolver sends back the IP address of to the client as a response.
Finally, with the IP address ( in this example), the client connects to the
The DNS framework consists of the following three parts:
(1) Client: They request IP addresses with domain names through the stub resolver, a client of DNS, and
transmits the request to the local DNS server address set on its device.
(2) Local DNS Server (Recursive DNS Resolver): They receive the DNS query from clients and obtains the
IP address for the domain name from domain name servers. Also, the IP address once found is stored in
memory for a certain period. So, it is called Caching Resolver.
(3) Domain Name Server (Authoritative Name Server): They have and manage IP addresses for the domain
names as well as the information related to the IP addresses. The Authoritative Name Server is composed
of more than 3-levels (Root, TLD, Lower-level Domain). Each domain server consists of a single master
server and several slave servers.
In addition to the basic information regarding IP addresses for domain names, DNS databases provide
additional information for a variety of services. DNS resource records (RR) have additional information