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Lu et al. J Mater Inf 2022;2:11  I         Page 3 of 18

                                          Table 1. Performance accuracy (%) with patch images
                  Type of data                                 Reference       Method        Quoted mode a
                  Ni-Mo binary system
                  Phase equilibria    70-85 at.% Ni            Grube et al.  [7]             ×
                                      60-76 at.% Ni            Bloom et al.  [8]             •
                                      fcc                      Guthrie et al.  [9]           ◦
                                      Overall                  Casselton et al.  [10]  TA, OM, XRD  ◦
                                      bcc liquidus             Wicker et al.  [11]  CA, DTA  •
                                      Below 1600 K             Heijwegen et al.  [12]  DC, EPMA  •
                                      fcc                      Gust et al.  [13]  (Not available)  •
                                      bcc solidus              Kang et al.  [14]  EPS, EPMA  •
                                      fcc + Ni4Mo              Kobayashi et al.  [15]  XRD   •
                                      bcc solidus, fcc +       Yaqoob et al.  [3]  EA, EPMA  •
                                      1173K and 1073K          Zhu et al.  [16]  DM, EPMA    •
                                      1373K and 1123K          Shi et al.  [17]  DC, EA, SEM, XRD  •
                  Thermodynamic properties  Enthalpy of mixing of liquid  Chistyakov et al.  [18]  Calorimetry  •
                                                               Sudavtsova  [19]  Calorimetry  ×
                                      Enthalpy of formation for   ,
                                                               Spencer et al.  [20]  AC      •
                                      heat capacity for   
                                      Enthalpies of formation for     Kubaschewski et al.  [21]  AC  •
                                      Heat capacity of Ni 4Mo  Norem  [22]     AC            •
                                                               Brook et al.  [23]  AC        ×
                                                               Basak  [24]     AC            •
                                      Activity                 Katayama et al.  [25]  EMF    ×
                                                               Meshkov et al.  [26]  EMF     •
                                                               Tsai et al.  [27]  EMF        •
                                                               Pejryd  [28,29]  EMF          ×
                                                               Koyama et al.  [30]  EMF      •
                                                               Sudavtsova  [19]  EMF         ×
                                      Curie temperature        Khan et al.  [34]  VSM, SQUID  •
                                      Magnetic moment          Ghosh et al.  [35]  VSM, SQUID  •
                  Mo-Re system
                  Phase equilibria    Overall                  Dickinson et al.  [36]  OM, XRD  •
                                                               Knapton et al.  [37]  OM, XRD  •
                                                               Savitskii et al.  [38,39]  OM, XRD  •
                                      1473K and 1873K,
                  Thermodynamic properties                     Farzadfar et al.  [40]  OM, XRD, DRC  •
                                      enthalpy of formation
                  Ni-Mo-Re system
                  Phase equilibria    1425K                    Kodentsov et al.  [41]  DC    ×
                                                               Borisov et al.  [42]
                                      1425K                                    DC & EA       •
                                                               Slyusarenko et al.  [43]
                                      1473K                    Feng et al.  [44]  DM         ×
                                      1473K and 1873K, liquidus projection  Yaqoob et al.  [3]  EA, EPMA, XRD  •
                  Thermodynamic properties  Site occupancy of     Yaqoob et al.  [45]  XRD   •
                                      Heat capacity of NMR-75  Chekhovskoi et al.  [45]  AC  ×
                  TA: Thermal analysis; OM: optical metallography; XRD: X-ray diffraction; CA: chemical analysis; DTA: differential thermal analysis; DC:
                  diffusion couple; EPMA: electron probe microanalysis; EPS: electrolytic phase separation; EA: equilibrated alloys; DM: diffusion multiple;
                  AC: adiabatic calorimetry; EMF: electromotive force; FP: first-principles calculations; VSM: vibrating sample magnetometer; SQUID: su-
                  perconducting quantum interference device. aIndicates whether the data are used or not in the assessment: • used; ◦: used partially; ×:
                  not used.

               to the experimental data for not only the binary but also the ternary system. One may argue the accuracy of
               the experiments but it deserves a detailed study as discussed below. Moreover, when extrapolating the Mo-Re
               system with the parameters of Mathieu et al. to the ternary system [53] , the Mo content in the bcc phase of
               the three-phase equilibria (i.e., bcc +    + Mo 3CoSi and bcc + Mo 3CoSi +   ) was significantly higher than the
               experimental data, which is caused by a large value of        ,      used to fit the equilibria between the bcc and

               The experimental information of the Ni-Re binary system before 1985 has been reviewed critically by Nash et
               al. and an assessed Ni-Re phase diagram was reported [54] . Later, Yaqoob and Joubert reinvestigated experi-
               mentally and reassessed this binary system, and agreed well with most experimental data . Furthermore, the
               invariant reaction temperature and corresponding compositions determined by Yaqoob and Joubert [6]  were
               reconfirmed by Boettinger et al. [55] . Thus, the thermodynamic parameters from Yaqoob and Joubert [6]  were
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