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Page 2 of 18                          Lu et al. J Mater Inf 2022;2:11  I

               as well as their equilibria with other phases, it is necessary to develop a reliable thermodynamic database to
               predict phase equilibria and transformations in Ni-based superalloys, starting from ternaries, such as Ni-Mo-

               The phase diagram and thermodynamics of the Ni-Mo-Re ternary system were studied by Yaqoob and Jou-
               bert [2,3] andtheenthalpiesofformationofcompoundswerecalculatedbyCrivello bymeansoffirst-principles
               calculations. A new phase with a modulated    phase structure was reported and named as the   ’ phase by
               Yaqoob et al. . The average structure of this phase is the    phase, existing in the binary Mo-Re system and
               extending to the ternary Ni-Mo-Re system. Further structural characterization of this compound could not
               be completed because of the poor quality of the sample. Yaqoob [2]  treated the phase as a line compound,
               (Mo,Re) 2(Ni) 1, without considering its structural relationship with the    phase and ignoring the experimen-
               tally determined solubility range of Ni from ∼26 to ∼33 at.%. There exist other limitations in the assessment by
               Yaqoob regarding the subsystems, the extension of the binary    phase in the ternary system and the liquidus

               The present work aims to obtain a set of self-consistent thermodynamic parameters of the Ni-Mo-Re system
               withmoreinputsfromfirst-principlescalculations. ThebinarysystemsNi-MoandMo-Rearerevisedtoobtain
               a better agreement with the experimental data. By combining the thermodynamic description of the Ni-Re
               system reported by Yaqoob and Joubert [6]  with the updated Ni-Mo and Mo-Re systems, the reassessment of
               the Ni-Mo-Re ternary system is carried out.

               LITERATURE REVIEW
               All available experimental studies [3,7–46]  are summarized in Table 1.

               TheNi-Mosystemhasbeenextensivelyinvestigatedbyexperiments [3,7–33]  andthermodynamicmodeling [32,33,47–49] .
               Duetothelackofexperimentalandfirst-principlescalculatedthermodynamicdata, earlierthermodynamicas-
               sessments [47,48]  are less reliable considering the formation enthalpies of some intermetallic compounds. Mor-
               ishita et al. treated the    phase as a stoichiometric compound, which is inconsistent with the homogeneity
               domain of 4 at.% [49] . With the aid of first-principles calculations (some of the data were calculated by Wang
               et al.), Zhou et al. obtained a set of thermodynamic parameters of the Ni-Mo system by the CALPHAD
               method [31,32] . However, overfitting with too many parameters to the phase diagram at low temperatures led
               to a much larger heat capacity (      ) deviation from the experimental data [20,22] . Later, Yaqoob et al. reviewed
               the experimental information critically and reassessed the Ni-Mo system [33] . The number of parameters was
               reduced significantly compared with those of Zhou et al. [32] . However, the modeling of Yaqoob et al. can
               be further improved considering the following issues: (1) the enthalpy of mixing of the liquid phase is not in
               agreement with the experimental data [18,19] ; (2) the enthalpy of formation of the    phase at high temperature
               is lower than the experimental data [20,21] ; (3) for the fcc phase, the SQS calculated enthalpy, the experimental
               Gibbs energy of mixing and the       at high temperature cannot be reproduced and (4) the magnetic properties
               of the fcc phase were ignored.

               Thermodynamic assessments of the Mo-Re system have been published by many authors [50–53] . Mathieu et al.
               reviewed all the previous work and performed reassessments aided by first-principles calculations [53] . A full
               five-sublattice (5SL) model and various simplified sublattice models of the    phase were considered. Com-
               pared with the previous assessments, the thermodynamic properties calculated by Mathieu et al. show better
               agreement with the first-principles calculation data [53] . However, the homogeneity range of the    phase at
               1473 K calculated by Mathieu et al. (as well as other previous assessments) was very narrow. This is in contrast
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