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Lu et al. J Mater Inf 2022;2:11  I        Page 11 of 18

                       Figure 5. Assessed Mo-Re phase diagram compared with experimental data and assessment by Mathieu et al. [53] .

                             Figure 6. Assessed enthalpy of mixing of Mo-Re bcc and hcp phases compared with SQS data.

               The present model can well predict the site fractions, as shown in Figure 7. Mathieu et al. did not use excess en-
               ergy terms for the    and    phases because they assumed that all the interactions characterizing the phase were
               taken into account by the DFT calculations [53] . For the    phase, the VASP data can predict the site fractions
               perfectly without any interaction parameter. However, it is necessary to introduce interaction parameters for
               the    phase to fit the site fractions of the 2A and 8C sites.

               Ni­Mo­Re system
               Isothermal sections
               Figure10comparestheassessedisothermalsectionsat1425,1473and1873Kwiththeexperimentaldata. Since
               the Ni-Mo-Re system was assessed mainly based on the experimental data by Yaqoob et al., it is impossible to
               reproduce the phase equilibria concerning the    phase measured by Borisov et al. at 1425 K [3,42] . For other
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