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Page 28 of 45                         Mooraj et al. J Mater Inf 2023;3:4

               Once the library was prepared, each sample was remelted with different laser powers of 200 W, 240 W, and
               280 W. Since a higher laser power leads to a lower cooling rate, compositions that maintain glassy
               microstructure with higher laser power should have higher GFA. Differential interference contrast (DIC)
               imaging under optical microscopy was used to screen for amorphous materials as samples with amorphous
               structures show a smooth liquid-like topography under DIC. At the same time, crystalline microstructures
               appear rough . A total of 144 discrete samples were investigated, and 92 were identified as amorphous for
               the lowest power. Based on the previously mentioned criteria, the composition with the highest GFA was
               Cu Zr Ti , as it showed a high fraction of amorphous microstructure and was located in the center of
               the region of compositions that exhibit an amorphous microstructure after remelting at 280 W. It was also
               pointed out that this method could be extended to alloy systems with even more components by using pre-
               alloyed powders. Thus, the procedure laid out by Tsai et al. illustrates a means to rapidly identify BMGs
               with excellent GFA within a given alloy system. In addition to the optimal composition, combinatorial
               studies can also be used to rapidly determine optimal printing parameters for a given alloy system. Islam et
               al. carried out such a study on 25 different compositions in the Fe-Ni-Cr-Mo alloy system to and define a
               normalized dimensionless parameter based on the energy input density from the laser and the material
               properties of the constituent atoms . A schematic illustration of their experimental method is illustrated
               in Figure 13D.

               Eutectic HEAs (EHEAs) combine design concepts from both HEAs and eutectic alloys and show great
               potential for structural applications due to their impressive combination of strength and ductility [156,181] . This
               combination of properties arises from a hard and soft phase which help provide strength and ductility,
               respectively. However, further optimization is possible through minor composition adjustments to achieve
               near-eutectic HEAs. Joseph et al. produced a library of bulk Al CoCrFeNi  samples using the DED method
                                                                    x        2.1
               to analyze the effect of Al-content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of alloys with near-
               eutectic compositions . Figure 14A presents the XRD peak patterns of the compositions explored and
               shows an increase in the B2 phase with increasing the Al content. Additionally, cast samples with the
               compositions of each phase were prepared. These allowed the authors to investigate samples with single-
               phase microstructures that were either purely FCC or purely B2 phase. After analyses of the phase fractions
               and compressive properties of each composition, it was found that the alloys’ yield strength followed a rule
               of mixtures based on the yield strength of the individual phases. This work highlights the ability of DED to
               provide large sample sets that allow for rapid characterization of multiple compositions that can elucidate
               strengthening trends within a system to achieve an optimal composition.

               When testing the radiation damage resistance of a material, it is imperative to use bulk samples as the
               damage layer thickness is typically on the order of microns, and the compositional gradient struggles to
               maintain chemical homogeneity over large length scales. Additionally, thin-film-based materials typically
               form nano-grain microstructures, which artificially increase the radiation damage resistance of a material,
               making the results misleading compared to application conditions. Moorehead  et al. printed a
               compositional library of Cr-Fe-Mn-Ni alloys to assess their irradiation properties . It was found that Cr-
               rich compositions showed an increase in BCC phase fraction, while Fe and Ni-rich compositions showed
               higher FCC content, and Cr and Ni tended to segregate together preferentially. This trend can be seen in
               Figure 14B,  where  the  compositions  with  a  higher  Cr  content  show  more  severe  segregation.
               Nanoindentation was utilized as a high-throughput means to measure the effect of ion irradiation on the
               hardness of each composition. Radiation-induced hardening was found in all compositions with FCC, BCC,
               and FCC + BCC phases. The increase in hardness was consistently shown to be 1-1.5 GPa, with BCC-rich
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