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Kondapuram et al. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:32  I              Page 11 of 25

                                                Figure 8. Dual PI3K/mTOR inhibitors

               apoptosis by activation of caspase cascade. Autophagy inhibition by shRNA and autophagy inhibitors such
               as bafilomycin A1 and 3-MA, notably sensitized WYE-354 mediated anti-colon cancer cell activity. In
               vivo studies, further witnessed that WYE-354 administration in severe combined immunodeficient mice
               inhibited growth of xenografts . PP30 is an adenine-mimetic pyrazolopyrimidine scaffold compound that
               selectively inhibits mTORC1 (IC  = 8 nmol/L) and mTORC2 (IC  = 80 nmol/L).
               PI3K/mTOR inhibitors
               mTOR shares high sequence homology with the hinge region of PI3K, as they belong to the same family of
               phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Hence, several small molecules target both mTOR and PI3K simultaneously.
               PI-103 [Figure 8] belongs to pyridofuropyrimidine class of compounds and is a multi-target inhibitor that
               inhibits PI3K and mTOR. Studies using human leukemia cell lines including MV4-11, OCI-AML3 and
               MOLM14 clearly indicated that PI-103 treatment arrested the cell cycle at G1 phase and eventually reduced
               the cell proliferation in these cells. The effects of PI-103 in AML patient samples have shown that 82%
               reduction of AML progenitor clonogenecity. The significant increase in apoptosis is also observed in blast
               cells when treated with 1.0 µmol/L of PI-103. On the other hand, PI3K/Akt and mTOR inhibition has also
               been shown when the AML blast cells treated with RAD001 and IC87114 (RAD + IC); but the mechanism of
               antiproliferative effect is yet to be elucidated. At the same time, this study also reported that inhibitory effect
               of PI-103 is not much higher than that of RAD + IC in AML blast cells .

               PKI-587, a dual ATP competitive inhibitor of known therapeutic targets PI3K (PI3K-α and PI3K-γ) and
               mTOR is an orally bioavailable inhibitor . It shows potent inhibitory efficacies of PI3K-α, PI3K-γ and
               mTOR with IC  values of 0.4, 5.4 and 1.6 nmol/L, respectively. PKI-587 not only inhibits wild type PI3K, but
               also exhibits inhibitory activity against most commonly occurring mutants including H1047R and E545K of
               PI3K with an IC  value of 0.6 nmol/L for both forms. In in vitro, PKI-587 has exhibited excellent antitumor
               activity in over 50 human cancer cell lines . In in vivo, PIK-587 showed inhibition of tumor growth in
               MDA-MB-261, BT474, HCT116, H1975 and U87MG xenograft models, when administrated intravenously.

               A novel inhibitor apitolisib, also known as RG7422/GDC-0980 is an orally available dual PI3K and mTOR
               inhibitor with excellent pharmaceutical and pharmacokinetics properties. The GDC-0980 inhibition of PI3K
               and mTOR overexpression has shown significant reduction in tumor cell growth by inducing apoptosis. In
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