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Borniger. J Cancer Metastasis Treat 2019;5:23  I                             Page 5 of 18

                Microbial   Breast tumor tissue and   Qualitative survey of breast   Bacterium Methylobacterium radiotolerans   [133]
                Dysbiosis   paired normal adjacent   microbiota DNA     is relatively enriched in tumor tissue, while
                            tissue from the same patient                the bacterium Sphingomonas yanoikuyae
                                                                        is relatively enriched in paired normal
                                                                        tissue. The relative abundances of these
                                                                        two bacterial species were inversely
                                                                        correlated in paired normal breast tissue
                                                                        but not in tumor tissue, indicating that
                                                                        dysbiosis is associated with breast cancer
                            48 postmenopausal breast   Microbiota profiles in fecal DNA   Estrogens correlated with α-diversity in   [134]
                            cancer case patients,   were determined by Illumina   control patients (Spearman Rho = 0.37, P
                            pretreatment, vs. 48 control   sequencing and taxonomy of   = 0.009) but not case patients (Spearman
                            patients             16S rRNA genes. Estrogens were   Rho = 0.04, P = 0.77). Compared with
                                                 quantified in urine; linear and   control patients, case patients had
                                                 unconditional logistic regression   statistically significantly altered microbiota
                                                 of microbiota α-diversity (PD_  composition (β-diversity, P = 0.006) and
                                                 whole tree) and UniFrac analysis   lower α-diversity (P = 0.004). Adjusted
                                                 of β-diversity         for estrogens and other covariates, odds
                                                                        ratio of cancer was 0.50 (95%CI, 0.30-
                                                                        0.85) per α-diversity tertile
                            31 patients with early-stage   Bacterial DNA was extracted   Absolute numbers of total bacteria   [135]
                            breast cancer        from the feces; qPCR amplified,   and three bacterial groups (Firmicutes,
                                                 targeting 16S rRNA sequences   Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, and Blautia)
                                                 specific to bacterial groups,   differed significantly according to the
                                                 and then analyzed in relation to   patient’s body mass index. C. coccoides,
                                                 clinical characteristics  F. prausnitzii, and Blautia, differed
                                                                        significantly according to the clinical
                                                                        stages and the histoprognostic grades
                            Eighteen patients    Feces were collected on 1st   Premenopausal BC patients showed   [136]
                            with breast cancer (BC), 18   admission and processed   increased Enterobacteriaceae (E. coli, log
                            with uterine         immediately; qualitative and   9.7 ± 2.1, P < 0.001); aerobic streptococci
                            leiomyoma (UL), and   quantitative analysis of fecal flora  (log 7.8 ± 2.0) and lactobacilli (log 8.0 ±
                            30 healthy women                            2.8). Anaerobic bacteria were increased
                                                                        (P < 0.001) for clostridia (log 9 ± 1.7),
                                                                        bacteroides (log 7.2 ± 3.1), and anaeroboic
                                                                        lactobacilli (9.1 ± 2.5). Similar changes in
                                                                        menopausal samples
                Systemic    Data from the Health,   Concentrations of CRP and SAA   Elevated SAA and CRP were associated   [137]
                Inflammation  Eating, Activity, and Lifestyle   were measured approximately 31   with reduced overall survival, regardless of
                            (HEAL) Study (a multiethnic   months after diagnosis and tested   adjustment for age, tumor stage, race, and
                            prospective cohort study   for associations with disease-  body mass index (SAA P trend < 0.0001;
                            of women diagnosed with   free survival (approximately 4.1   CRP P trend = 0.002). The HRs for SAA
                            stage 0 to IIIA breast   years of follow-up) and overall   and CRP tertiles suggested a threshold
                            cancer) (734 total survivors)  survival (approximately 6.9 years   effect on survival, rather than a dose-
                                                 of follow-up)          response relationship (highest vs. lowest
                                                                        tertile: SAA HR = 3.15; 95%CI, 1.73-5.65;
                                                                        CRP HR = 2.27; 95%CI, 1.27-4.08)
                            96 patients with metastatic   Evaluated the value of an   Multivariate analysis of the GPS and   [138]
                            breast cancer. During follow-  inflammation-based score   treatment received, only the GPS (HR 2.26,
                            up 51 patients died of their   (Glasgow Prognostic Score, GPS)   95%CI 1.45-3.52, P < 0.001) remained
                            cancer               in patients with metastatic breast   significantly associated with cancer-
                                                 cancer (scored on 0-2 scale)  specific survival
                            Colorectal (n = 182), gastric   Median survival, univariate/  Association between duration of survival   [139]
                            (n = 87), breast (n = 99),   multivariate analyses   and both log 10  C-reactive protein and
                            or bronchogenic (n = 404)   of correlations between   albumin concentrations (P < 0.0002). log 10
                            cancer patients, who had   inflammatory markers and   C-reactive protein was an independent
                            measurements of C-reactive   survival       predictor of survival (P < 0.0002). When
                            protein and albumin                         all patients were analyzed (n = 772),
                                                                        the hazard ratio for a 10-fold increase in
                                                                        C-reactive protein concentration in cancer-
                                                                        specific survival was 2.21 (95%CI = 1.92-
                                                                        2.56, P < 0.0001)
                            Cross-sectional and   Metabolic syndrome-associated   Pts with WAT inflammation had elevated   [140]
                            retrospective studies.   circulating factors were compared   insulin, glucose, leptin, triglycerides,
                            CS included 100 women   by CLS-B status. The association   C-reactive protein, and IL6 and lower
                            undergoing mastectomy for   between CLS of the breast and   high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and
                            breast cancer risk reduction   the metabolic syndrome was   adiponectin (P < 0.05); Compared with
                            (n = 10) or treatment (n =   validated; Distant recurrence-free   patients without breast WAT inflammation,
                            90). Retro study was 127   survival (dRFS) was compared by   the adjusted HR for dRFS was 1.83 (95%CI,
                            women who developed   CLS-B status          1.07-3.13) for patients with inflammation
                            metastatic breast cancer
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